
Testimonials about Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc.

Inmates read their Bibles far more often than the general public and is great. Our role model book, “Samuel Morris” is also a big success, as are our Christian videos, newsletters, tracts, and little Bible booklets. The chaplains find them to be an effective tool in spreading the Word of God, especially when there are so few chaplains and inmate populations are growing larger every year.

We could give you many examples of the benefits derived from the work we are doing, but we don’t want you to just take our word for it. Therefore, we have posted these testimonials for you to view.

Thank you to all who are supporting this ministry with your prayers and donations. Many are the letters we receive from inmates (in English and Spanish) and chaplains at the correctional facilities we serve nationwide. Our filing cabinet is so full we will have to find more space. For security and privacy reasons, we do not publish inmate letters unless we receive special permission. 


Alabama map

“Through Bible Believers Fellowship Inc.’s abundant generosity of inspirational booklets, pamphlets and newsletters, it has had a definite positive impact on the inmate population, and we appreciate their faithful, dependable, God-loving charitable hearts. I love the way you express your innermost feelings, through your faith filled words, such as found in the Nov/Dec 1996 issue of The Good News Letter, [paraphrased] “to bathe in the comforting presence of God; ah what a joy it is to see it on the bright faces of Christian believers, their eyes sparkling with fire; their enthusiasm giving us strength, courage and energy.” Money invested in God’s work, is never wasted; like energy, it may change its form, like water, or a mustard seed; but as long as God is allowed (by faith) to be the gardener, He will and does make it grow and multiply. And you know that God will not be outdone in generosity!”
Chaplain Bill Lindsey
Wm. Donaldson Facility (Bessemer)


Alaska map

“The video and the tracts that you have given us are GREAT! The inmates are excited about the new material. I thank God for people like you. I pray that God continues to bless your ministry and all people associated with it. Keep up the good work!”
Chaplain Gerald Silliman
Hiland Mt. Correctional Center (Eagle River) and Palmer Corr. Center (Palmer)


Arizona map

“We are very cautious about the doctrine we present to the inmates, and I spent a lot of time reviewing the newsletters of Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. for Biblical truths before requesting them. I believe the doctrine presented is true and not of anyone’s personal opinion, and appreciate being able to give it to them in confidence that it won’t vary from the Word. I have seen growth since we started giving out the newsletters, and that to me is a blessing!”
Chaplains Gerhard & Sheryl Griesinger
Mohave County Jail and Annex (Kingman)



“Most chaplains I know have no funds allocated to them to purchase religious materials. The materials we get are all donated. To many who are coming to prison now - this will be the first time to read a Bible. For some this will be the first time to slow down and want something different in their life - some are tired of the bad decisions, and the prison setting, and don’t want to come back. The word “sin” is beginning to make sense to some and they are looking for answers. Bibles and other Christian materials that are contributed by Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. are the “seeds” for God’s power and grace to get into lives for behavioral change and spiritual peace.”
Chaplain John Hagan
Diagnostic Unit (Pine Bluff)


California map

“Through Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. I’ve built a foundation, a sense of unhappiness with my past criminal behavior, and criminal thinking, and replacing them with a sense of responsibility and development of empathy for others. I am learning to think in ways that are rational, realistic, and responsible. Most of all, I found Jesus.”
Inmate Michael Sellers
Federal Corr. Institution (Lompoc)


Colorado map

“I feel prisoners need to have a balanced understanding of God’s Word. Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. provides that balance that enables prisoners to obtain a whole knowledge of the Word of God and of the Christian life. Hearing, seeing, and reading the Word. Hearing and seeing how it changes lives is a constant encouragement to inmates. Many of these men are responding to the call of God on their lives to preach and teach the Good News. They have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to get the Word of God in them and they want any good material they can lay their hands on.”
Chaplain Dennis West
Bent County Correctional Facility (Las Animas)


Florida map

“Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. has been instrumental in providing key Gospel materials and Bibles to present to the more than 1,000 men transiting North Florida Reception Center monthly. The evangelistic outreach to these inmates depends upon Bibles, tracts, audio tapes, and videos to present the Gospel and then to give the inmates at North Florida Reception Center materials for follow-up. Your labor of love is greatly appreciated. With more than 1,000 men transiting our facility monthly, we sometimes run out of Bibles and the excellent materials which show them the Way of life. Please convey our thanks to the contributors of Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. - you truly are partners in the Gospel (see Philippians 1:3-6).”
Chaplain Dennis Durant
North Florida Reception Center-West Unit (Lake Butler)

“Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. has helped me in my spiritual growth and Bible knowledge through the publication of their newsletters and Bible tracts and booklets. Their scriptural literature and teaching of God’s word is helping me to learn and understand God’s plans and purpose for my life and knowing my Savior Jesus Christ. I’m very thankful for their ministry and pray that God will continue to provide in meeting their [financial] needs...”
Inmate Troy E. Sullivan
Jackson Corr. Institution (Malone)

“The videos and tracts have helped the most. These young men also enjoy Christian cartoons and Bible dramas. They will watch any Christian video before they will read a Christian book. Also, they like Christian comic books or tracts in a comic book format. Many of these young men have between 1 to 4 children, by 1 to 3 different women. They make choices without thinking of consequences. Any material donated will be well received by 95% of them.”
Chaplain Kathy Ray
Lake City Corr. Facility (Lake City)

“Because of a rule in the Department of Corrections which states that “No religious material will be purchased through the inmate’s welfare trust fund” ...we are unable to get the material we so desperately need and are left to rely on donations to help the men in this prison. Thanks to Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc., who donate some of this material needed, we are able to provide these men with the material needed to build a strong spiritual foundation before entering society. Please consider making a donation to this ministry that helps those that are in need.”
Chaplain Dolores De Long
Hamilton Correctional Institution Annex (Jasper)

“With Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc.’s help, I have received the badly needed material that a young Christian behind bars needs to grow in the Faith. I and all of this ministry thank you for all your help in our time of need. Thank you again and may the Lord bless your ministry for ever.”
Inmate Omar M. Arias
Hamilton Correctional Institution Annex (Jasper)


Hawaii map

“My ministry here at WCCC has benefited from Bible Believers Fellowship’s support through newsletters, Bibles, and tracts that they donated prior to my chaplaincy. Since I became chaplain, they have faithfully donated newsletters in English and Spanish. Together with the joint effort of all, His servants including BBFI, God is saving and preserving souls each day. To Him be the power and the glory - now and forever.”
Chaplain Veronica Benkman
Women’s Community Correctional Center (Kailua)


Iowa map

“The chapel program at any prison would be severely limited if it were not for volunteer persons and ministries - like Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. - that support us. Many inmates, that will not talk with a chaplain, will receive literature to read. That material, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, has potential to touch that life for Christ.”

Chaplain Del Vande Krol
Iowa State Penitentiary (Ft. Madison)


Iowa map

“This past month has been a very blessed month for Church of The Redeemed. We have had several “yes” answers to prayer and we attribute that to your faith backing up those requests. Until this month though, we had not had a miraculous healing during one of our services. A man who had been in a lot of pain and could not walk on his own got up and started dancing! The staff here was so concerned that they threatened him with consequences if he got up without staff assistance again! I say Praise God! He doesn’t need staff assistance anymore.

Besides all of that, Satan has been trying to put in some overtime to tear this Church down. Finances were a problem for a while, but Praise God, He provides everything we need exactly when we needed it. An example was when I put out the last of our supplies for Celebrate Recovery and was concerned, even though I know it is a sin to worry, that we were not going to have anything for the next week. That very day the church Secretary walks in with enough supplies to last us around six months, thank you Jesus.

The Pastoral staff had been personally attacked in their personal and professional life. God has seen them through it. Satan’s source of contention has been appropriately convicted for trying to cause division and they apologized for their actions. One of the Pastors had been having some problems with his hips and when a Deacon fasted and prayed for him the pain went away and he has not had to use a cane very much since then. The doors to Prisons all over the State are beginning to open to us for ministry. God is moving in ways He never has up to this point, here.

Our worship services saw men trying to sing along and most were out of tune, out of time, and just reminded me that scripture says to make a joyful noise unto the Lord, but it doesn’t say it has to sound good. Well, this month the Church sounded so good it sent chills down my spine to hear them. During the worship I was given a vision of Jesus receiving our worship with a great big smile on his face and open arms. God has always surprised me with the worship music. I do not let our worship leader know what the subjects of my sermons are and yet the Holy Spirit guides him in choosing the music that follows perfectly along with the subject matter of that week’s sermon. Praise God, He pays attention even when we get complacent and think things are routine.

This month I received, amongst others, three requests to come and counsel with brothers about salvation. They were under the impression that if you sin, you lose your salvation. I shared with them that if that were the case then NONE of us are saved. I did not speak of this to anyone else at the time. Two weeks in a row the guest speakers preached on the very same subject! Those three men now understand that their salvation is NOT due to their works. We also do not have a lot of opportunity here to lead someone to Christ because of the institutional rules against proselytizing. That said, we were granted the privilege to lead two new brothers to our Father’s family, amen. It tickles my heart every time I see someone come forward and receive the Lord. I can honestly say that there is nothing that gives me greater joy.

I hope and we pray that God has richly blessed you and your ministry works. Please let us know if we can join you in specifically praying for any needs you might have both personally and corporately. Thank you brothers and sisters for your time and your prayers, it really does make a difference.”
Pastor Bob Ruth
Correctional Mental Health Facility (Larned)


Louisiana map

“We have received your newsletters for the past 3 years and the offenders are glad to have them to read. They also enjoy receiving books on Samuel Morris, since 90% of our offenders are black. Yours is one of two ministries that contribute items that I can take to our maximum security dorm for distribution to offenders. Our youths range from 13 - 21 years of age and many have had little or no contact with the church on the outside world. I appreciate very much your contributions and help in supplying materials to our offenders. I am happy to share your materials with these young offenders, who look forward to their arrival.”
Chaplain Dr. Gayle Dean, Jr.
Swanson Correctional Center for Youth (Monroe)

“I want to say that my studies through the Spanish ministry of Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. has been an exciting and fulfilling time in my life... The personal guidance and devotion by the staff has turned many rainy days of depression into days filled with sunshine through their constant beams of hope and encouragement. Praise the Lord!”
Inmate Nidia Vargas
Orleans Parish Prison (New Orleans)


Massachusetts map

“Everything Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. donates to us is just another tool to share the Gospel and to help us reach the lost and edify the Body of Christ. Your contributions have been a great blessing to this ministry.”
Chaplain Orlando Jardim
Southeastern Correctional Center (Bridgewater) (This facility was closed in 2002)

“For years, Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. have played a big role in my ministries and many other ministries with Bibles and literature, newsletters, everything is a blessing. The inmates look forward for your newsletter. I don’t have any means of financially helping you. However, I urge people to help maintain such a wonderful and blessed ministry. Please donate some Spanish Bibles. My flock consists of 40% Afro-American, 35% Spanish, 25% Anglo American and others.”
Chaplain Jesus Malave
M.C.I. Shirley Minimum Facility (Shirley)


Michigan map

“Prisoners enjoy your newsletter. Also, the videos are very good, the prisoners enjoy watching them. It is always helpful when outside organizations, such as yours, are willing to support prison ministries. The variety of material is always very helpful. You are in my prayers. Hopefully it will help because we do need your ministry.”
Chaplain James McKinley
Oaks Corr. Facility (Manistee)

“You could never imagine how Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. has helped. When I started receiving Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. in 1994, I had been forced under segregated and isolated circumstances to stop praying, being subjected to exploitation of various forms of harassment - tactics - torture. I had not gotten on my knees for eighteen months. But I grew a thirst - a hunger for prayer during this time. Your first newsletter brought the reality of the demonic world alive for me. From that point on I have let nothing and no one stop me from praying. I’ve hungered every month for your newsletter.”
Inmate Dennis Van Lee
Huron Valley Men’s Facility (Ypsilanti), transferred to Riverside Correctional Facility

“My ministry is to provide religious programming for the entire prison population in a fair and economical way. This is best done at this facility through an outstanding team of volunteers representing many religious and spiritual practices and beliefs. It is also done by receiving much needed literature from ministries like Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc.”
Chaplain Sandra Daily
Western Wayne Correctional Facility (Plymouth)

“Hi, my name is Sandra Beaudin. Long ago I was in prison and got ahold of your newsletters (I learned so much). Anyhow, many years later I found them in my stuff. And I was wondering if you could send me more each month or however you have your letters now. Can you please send me them? I would like to continue to have them. I’ve learned so much. Me and two other people read the ones I found. God bless. Thank you. Sandra”
Sandra Beaudin
Location Withheld


Missouri map

“I am fed by the non-traditionalist way Anne and her husband bring forth the relevance of God’s word. Their newsletters in Spanish help me to witness to Latino inmates who do not speak English, but are in need of encouragement and hope. The newsletter is an iceberg breaker between different cultures, tongues and peoples. I’m sure Jesus approves of their ministry, which tells me others should be a greater part of this outreach. I send the “Spanish newsletter” to Latino friends in South and Central America when I am through with them. The newsletter is having a global impact for Jesus. Keep up the faithful work.”
Inmate Tom Wilmas
Moberly Corr. Center (Moberly), transferred to Northeast Corr. Center (Bowling Green)


New Jersey map

“When I was serving time at Mid-State Correctional Facility back in 1995 and 1996, at church services one Sunday afternoon, I picked up “The Good News Letter.” As I started reading what the Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. was witnessing over to me, my entire life changed. I cannot really express everything. But ever since that period, I started forgetting about myself, and put God first in my life. And I still read “The Good News Letter” today. Praise the Lord.”
Inmate Lindsey Tino Johnson
East Jersey State Prison (Rahway)


New York map

“Because of your vision thru your ministry and concern, inmates receiving your literature and other material have been help with their daily reading and attending to the chapel. When they get released, they go with desire to attend church outside, which is a victory and with a vision to continue serving the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Chaplain Roberto Rodriguez
Otis Banton Correctional Center (East Elmhurst)

“We recently received religious literature including “The Good News Letter,” Bible tracts, post cards, tray cards and bookmarks, plus copies of New Testaments in Spanish and English. These supplemented our supply received from the Gideons annually. As there is no budget per se from our department for religious supplies and resources, the offering of donations aids us to not have to spend from personal resources for supplying religious materials for the inmates which are surely needed. We appreciate the donations received for the benefit of our prison ministry.”
Chaplain Judith Silva
Brooklyn Detention Complex (Brooklyn)

“...Your Samuel Morris Book was appreciated which I found inspirational and encouraging in my walk with Jesus. “The Good News Letter” I only read once and I pray now [that I’ll be put on your] direct mailing list.”
Inmate George M. Boddingham
Great Meadow Correctional Facility (Comstock)

“We are in need of many printed materials especially Bibles. Many of the men here do not stay very long so our on-going projects need resources to be replenished. We especially appreciate the Spanish materials [donated by BBFI] that many ministries can not help us with... Praise the Lord!”
Chaplain Oscar McLaughlin
Hudson Corr. Facility (Hudson)


North Carolina map

“Absolutely the materials from Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. have been invaluable in this ministry. The first contact with this population, ages 18-21, is usually with literature. Then they begin to attend the programs, they make decisions, become Christians, and then begin to grow and the literature is even then more valuable.”
Chaplain J. Don Jordan
Sandhills Youth Center (McCain) (Prison closed in June 2003)

“Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. is a tremendous source for many of the materials I desperately need in the performance of my ministry as a correctional chaplain. Almost every inmate incarcerated in my facility has his own personal Bible. There are constant requests for the role model books and tracts provided by BBFI. “The Good News Letter” we receive is dependable theologically and presents God’s message in simplistic manner. I think anyone who donates funds to BBFI is making an investment in God’s kingdom. While the public out cry toward offenders today is, “Lock ’em up and throw away the key,” we must yet remember penal institutions are very much a part of the harvest field.”
Chaplain Raeford C. Wiggins
Franklin Corr. Center (Bunn)


Oklahoma map

“I’m new in my position and have just received some of the info and Bibles, literature, and tapes that have been delivered. We greatly appreciate it. We are always in need of materials that will enable to keep these men from coming back to prison.”
Chaplain Stiemy Williams
Howard McLeod Correction Center (Atoka)


Pennsylvania map

“Because I do not receive any funding for Bibles and literature for the women, it has been truly a blessing to be able to acquire these for them from BBFI. You are truly a Godsend!”
Chaplain Dawn Daly-Mack
Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center and Cambria Corr. Center (Philadelphia)

“What a blessing it has been to give so much to the women. We get no money from the prison to buy Bibles, etc. Please keep on doing what you are doing. I see many women (and men) come to know and understand the Lord and the Bible because of you.”
Chaplain Elaine Babcock
Philadelphia Industrial Corr. Center (Philadelphia)


Texas map

“Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. has helped me to trust in the Word of God rather than the interpretation of man. God through His Holy Spirit reveals to each individual an understanding of scripture related to God’s will for that person. I like the way that you wrote about the Prosperity Gospel - sometimes I wonder just who is being edified and worshipped, God or man. Your newsletter gets to the absolute core of an issue or topic, basically the truths spiritually discerned.”
Inmate Parker (asked us not to give his last name)
James V. Allred Unit (Iowa Park)

“Your tracts have helped me to understand some scriptural truth that has been misunderstood by many and I wasn’t sure of before. For that I am very thankful. They’ve helped others here also. The tracts are good sound scriptural literature.”
Inmate Robert W. Key
Wynne Unit (Huntsville)

“I have received Bibles, books, literature and videos from BBFI. All of these items help the inmates to understand God’s word and to grow in their faith. Many of these men have free time to read and it is a blessing to have Christian literature to place in their hands. There are other religious groups competing for the souls and minds of these men. This literature helps spread the gospel and sets the captives free.”
Chaplain Mark W. Pickett
Hodge Unit (Rusk)

“The Good News Letter reminds me that my real and personal relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is more important than any ministry. Being a Christian in prison is more important than talking about it.”
Inmate Richard (T.D.C.J. Policy: first name only)
Hughes Unit (Gatesville)


West Virginia map

“Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. has been there to supply any request we have for ministry tools, whether tracts, books, videos. Any church, organization, or individual will be blessed by the Lord greatly if you support this ministry because Jesus said, “I was in prison and you visited Me, hungry and you gave Me food, naked and you clothed Me. What you do for prisoners you do unto Me” (this was paraphrased by Chaplain Watkins). God is moving in the prisons of America. You can get in on the harvest benefits by standing in prayer and financial support of this ministry.”
Chaplain Robert M. Watkins
Huttonsville Correctional Center (Huttonsville)

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