Christian Materials Distributed

Christian materials for Prisons

Due to poor funding, we cannot restock our supplies. But because of donations of materials from individuals and Christian organizations, we are able to distribute a limited amount of Bibles, New Testaments, Bible studies, and other materials. However, we are limiting the number of facilities we assist and the amounts needed for the inmates.

Christian materials are desperately needed in the prisons throughout the United States. Without Christian material, the chaplains are at a great disadvantage. Many inmates do not go to chapel services and the only way they find out about Jesus is through literature, audios, or videos. 

Since 1993, we have provided the Christian materials listed below free of charge to prison chaplains nationwide. Approximately 480 correctional facilities in 48 states received yearly material from our organization in the years of 1993 to around 2009.

As our funding over those years decreased, so did the number of prisons that we assisted. Therefore, Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. is now working with about 55 facilities in 20 states and will continue to do so as long as our funding remains the same.

Due to the great need in prisons for Bibles, Christian literature, audios and videos, please consider to donate to our 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

Type of Material Distributed Amounts Needed Per Year Amounts Distributed Since 1993
English Bibles 109,067 14,341
Spanish Bibles 25,771 3,673
English New Testaments 21,271 9,991
Spanish New Testaments 5,555 1,002
Gospels of John 20,736 7,926
Small Bible Booklets 164,253 384,594
Bible Studies 651 301
Misc. Christian Books 81,157 25,627
Christian Counseling Sets 837 423
Christian Tracts 303,842 122,996
Christian Leaflets 44,910 306,729
Christian Bookmarks 51,503 60,695
Christian Tray Cards 36,085 119,078
Christian Post Cards 80,690 24,265
Christian Calendars 69,607 34,632
Christian Picture Books 5,577 2,710
Christian Activity Books 5,670 1,647
Christian Videos 4,613 1,314
Christian Audios 915 39

“The Good News Letter” Requested and Distributed

Since 1989, more than one million copies of our English publication, “The Good News Letter,” have been distributed to inmates nationwide. And from 1994 to the present, about 210,000 in Spanish have been given out to inmates.

Packages of our newsletters were provided free of charge to prison chaplains nationwide and were distributed by them to Christian inmates. In some facilities the newsletter went directly to individual prisoners when it was not available through the chaplain. Many inmates informed us that “The Good News Letter” was used as a Bible study and was often passed from one inmate to another.

Due to poor funding, the newsletter distribution in print form has been suspended since the Autumn of 2009. However, our teaching newsletter is still available on our website in English and Spanish versions whenever a new issue is published. If you would like to be notified when a new issue of “The Good News Letter” is available, please use the Subscribe for our Christian Ministry Updates button located toward the bottom on each page.

Type of Material Distributed Amounts Needed Per Month Amounts Distributed Annually
English Newsletters 32,821 Suspended due to poor funding
Spanish Newsletters 9,076 Suspended due to poor funding

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Our Christian prison ministry is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity.