Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests with people praying

Life is hard right now! Most people are suffering, and everyone has a prayer request! So, if you love Christ, and would like others to pray for you, we have prepared this page. However we will only post legitimate requests.

For example - Don’t ask that your daughter get the lead in a Broadway show. “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world” (1 John 2:15-16 KJV).

Special Prayer Request for Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc.

Prayer Request by - Eric and Anne Kaestner of Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc.
Location - New York
Prayer Request - Please pray for our ministry and for us personally. Our ministry funding for “Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc.” has been extremely low over the last seven years and 2023 was the worst year ever since 1993. We are having trouble paying our bills. In fact, Eric and Anne haven’t been able to deposit or cash a year’s worth of their personal paychecks from BBFI. 

We have been in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) since 1992. We have also been included in ten state run campaigns from 2002 through the present. But, just about each year since 2013 the amount that was pledged to our organization through the CFC and the State campaigns has been decreasing. The pledges for 2023 were the lowest since we began.

We want to continue to run this ministry for the Lord but the financial situation is getting very serious. We need your prayers and donations! To help us financially, please visit the Donate to our Prison Ministry page.

Please enter your prayer request.

Please note - All prayer requests will remain listed here for 4 months.

We have the right to edit any prayer request (this includes spelling and/or grammar corrections and shortening the length if too long.)

Prayer Request by - Moses
Location - South Africa
Prayer Request - Good day. Please pray for me. Things fall apart in my life, in need of protection and financial breakthrough. And please pray for my family. We need understanding.

Prayer Request by - Bryan
Location - Wyoming
Prayer Request - I am going through some relationship issues with my partner that is about to break us apart. I recognize that a lot of it, if not all of it, is my own fault. I ask not only for God to help me, by His grace, to turn this around, but also to strengthen this bond between us and help us both grow in this together. Thank you!

Prayer Request by - Marvin
Location - New York City, New York
Prayer Request - Please for my new business MACJ Painting to have success. That my God open doors and grant many jobs and work for me and my workers in Jesus name.

Prayer Request by - Laura
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Prayer for a place to live, I’ve been putting in applications, praying that something comes available ASAP, prayer for patience and peace. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Israel Goldman, Sr
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please be in prayer for our sons IJ, Daniel, and Gabriel. Especially IJ to be permanently set free from all rebellion and mistreatment of me and my wife. May IJ be permanently set free from all new age false god beliefs and illegal drug addiction and online sex fornications and all ungodly companions. May IJ now truly love, honor and obey God’s Holy Word and permanently stay at home with us honoring and obeying and cleaving to me and my dear wife in all things. So, be it all in our God Lord and precious Savior’s Holy name. Amen. Thank you all so much and may God bless you all!

Prayer Request by - Anthony Roberts
Location - Tallahassee, Florida
Prayer Request - Pray for me (blessings and covering over my life).

Prayer Request by - Lindiwe
Location - Africa
Prayer Request - I have been getting myself deeper and deeper in debt, I seldom attend church, I feel lost, I feel I need a new direction, hope and I know I definitely need prayer, to accept Jesus and to stay in faith. Please pray for me to see the light at the end of this tunnel, so I can have a life, I still need to find my God given purpose, so I may fulfill it. I just feel there is a lot of rejection in my life, declined job applications. I can’t move, I can’t breathe.

Prayer Request by - Myra
Location - South Africa
Prayer Request - Please help me in prayer to find a way to pay all of my debt and be debt-free.

Prayer Request by - Anna
Location - Ontario
Prayer Request - For the healing of Lolita Castelino’s cancer and that she finds a doctor to treat her soon and she gets full healing. For my relationship to be healed with Richard to get restored soon. For me to get a new job and for school for my family to become financially blessed and stable. And for my friends and loved ones, forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ’s name. Thank You Jesus. I love You Jesus.

Prayer Request by - Staci
Location - United States
Prayer Request - My husband is requesting a divorce after having an affair a year ago. My recovery has been very difficult, and his own shame runs deep. I do not want to divorce, and I know God can do all things. My request is that my husband’s eyes would be opened to see and believe what God says is good. That starting over is not the answer. That our children need us both in their lives. Please pray he would see God’s mercy and be willing to see him work in our marriage. My hope has been that we would be a force for the Lord, in the lives of our girls, and the lives of others. When he confessed his affair, I had a clear vision of our relationship being used as an example of God’s power and redemption, but now I feel confused because we are farther from that than we have ever been. I’ve prayed so much myself, but I need more help in prayer. This seems so counter to what a life for Christ should be. Prayer for myself too, that God would search my heart and show me the hurtful way within me.

Prayer Request by - A & C
Location - Montana
Prayer Request - After my husband was critically injured last summer in a motorcycle accident, he was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury, then got Sepsis last month and nearly died. Since then our life is falling down around us. Our landlords are being nitpicks, we can barely afford the basic necessities and live on the cheapest food possible and are even skipping meals/meds to keep a roof over our head. Each day gets worse and when we finally feel able to breathe, some new mess hits us bigger than the last. We are headed into financial destruction and future homelessness if things don’t turn around. Please pray for favor, we’re doing as much as we can.

Prayer Request by - Christine
Location - Minneapolis, Minnesota
Prayer Request - Please pray for the soul of Jerome. Get him away from the ones trying to drag him into sin and false religions. Lord protect him please. He has a wonderful personality.

Prayer Request by - Shirley
Location - India
Prayer Request - Please pray for my son Reuben to get a job and deliverance from smoking. We are baptized believers, but my son has not taken baptism. He has a calling on his life.

Prayer Request by - Jennifer
Location - Texas
Prayer Request - Please pray for Angel who is going to be paroled December 1st. He has come a long way after being attacked in prison and having to have brain surgery. He is now a baptized believer and has a scholarship to SMU in art. I pray that once he is paroled, and he does not reconnect with previous gang members that helped put him in prison for 16 years. The Lord said in Jeremiah 29:11 he knows the plans he has for Angel to prosper and succeed and have hope for the future.

Prayer Request by - Christine
Location - New York
Prayer Request - Please pray with me AGAIN! I’m very upset and anxious. My doctor filled out paperwork wrong, for a claim, and now I’m DANGEROUSLY CLOSE to be kicked out of my department or WORSE! Please pray with me my doctor submits the paperwork to the company’s satisfaction this time. If I’m fired or thrown out of my current position, finding work will NOT be easy, and/or getting my hours reduced. Thank you for praying with me!!

Prayer Request by - Ja'Net
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray that I will be perfected in God’s love, that I will grow in discipline, and that I will be finally free from anxiety.

Prayer Request by - Smita Lakra
Location - Cuttack, Odisha, India
Prayer Request - My name is Smita and my partner’s name is Bikram. We were supposed to get married, but suddenly our relationship turned upside down completely. Please pray to heal our relationship to reconnect and reconcile our relationship. Please pray that things workout between us through the blessings of our dear Lord. Thank you and Praise the Lord.

Prayer Request by - Charles
Location - India
Prayer Request - Please pray for Charles to receive the amount of the property. Please pray for Aaron to get good grades in his exams and that he would study confidently.

Prayer Request by - Ellen
Location - Illinois
Prayer Request - Please pray that my foot will heal quickly, especially the two toes that are injured. Please pray that my foot infection will not come back.

Prayer Request by - Maryna
Location - Soldotna, Alaska
Prayer Request - Please pray for me for a closer walk with Jesus, I struggle to pray and to spend quality time with Him.

Prayer Request by - Pamela Needy
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I need a miracle healing all over in my body. Sore throat, bad cough, and upset stomach. Can’t afford to miss work and my hubby Rick needs complete healing - autoimmune disease, sarcoidosis, back and hip problems and I don’t want him to get sick from me. He can’t miss work. It is a fairly new job. Need financial miracle and restoration in every area. Daughter Kayla needs a financial miracle too. God bless, Pam Needy.

Prayer Request by - Carrie
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I am in constant pain, and it’s making my life a living hell. Everyday, I have chest pains, everyday I have random muscle pains, everyday I have headaches. I also have five blood clots from a stupid angiogram that showed nothing is wrong with my heart. Never had blood clots before angiogram. Doctors can’t figure out what’s causing my pains. I can’t do this anymore.

Prayer Request by - Theresa
Location - Florida
Prayer Request - Please pray for ALL my needs right now and all day and night for all protections that they are ALL taken care of by GOD in every way, in Jesus name, amen.

Prayer Request by - Tammy
Location - Boston, Massachusetts
Prayer Request - I have been attacked by health issues after health issues. I need this to stop! Jealous people from my past are using witchcraft. Please pray for healing and protection in Jesus name, thank you.

Prayer Request by - Duran
Location - West Jordan
Prayer Request - Please pray that Tony Peru may soften his heart and forgive Duran for his trespasses. Have Tony’s heart filled with love and that Tony may want to be friends once more with Duran. Also, please pray for Tony and Duran to be blessed for their good works that they do for the Lord God.

Prayer Request by - Amrit Tete
Location - Ranchi, India
Prayer Request - Kindly pray for my job transfer representation may be considered by my Higher Authorities on medical grounds. Presently I have been transferred to Chatra District (Jharkhand) which is 141 kms from my hometown Ranchi. I request it to be changed nearby hometown so that I can take care of my family and Health. Kindly pray in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Prayer Request by - Reba
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray God surprise them. My Grandson was set up. A bully put him in a situation when he had to fight for his life. Please pray for him with the compassion of Christ, the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, and the power and knowledge of God. May God’s judgement overrule, overtake, and may God’s judgement prevail. His name is Levi.

Prayer Request by - Rachel Vega
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Complete healing for Joe Vega of stage 4 prostate cancer.

Prayer Request by - Elizabeth
Location - Bakersfield, California
Prayer Request - My husband Bryan W has been incarcerated 6 weeks on false charges without bail. Through prayer and dedication I’ve finally been able to hire an attorney who says she will be able to get his charges dropped. Please pray everything goes good this week, and he’s able to come home to me and our son. He is an innocent man.

Prayer Request by - Hyacinth
Location - Palm Bay, Florida
Prayer Request - Please pray for Hyacinth from Palm Bay, Florida. She is not behaving like a caring person. She has a lot of hatred in her heart for her children. She is evil and manipulative. Pray that she gives her life to the Lord.

Prayer Request by - Andrea Pennix
Location - America
Prayer Request - I need a miracle healing. I need healing from diabetes and high blood pressure.

Prayer Request by - Ruth
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Mammogram 3 days ago. They saw something. I have to have ultrasound on right breast.

Prayer Request by - Anonymous
Location - Minnesota
Prayer Request - Please pray for our family to be able to go see our daughter graduate from her AIT training in the Army and that everyone would get along. There would be relational healing and God would magnify Himself to my family in such a way that they would come to faith in Him. Thank you!!

Prayer Request by - Stephanie
Location - London
Prayer Request - Drear God, I just want to thank you for being in me and my children’s life. I ask for break throughs, deliverance, peace, warmth, happiness, and joy. I ask you to watch over us. Bless me, my family, and love ones. Keep us safe and rebuke all evil and wicked bad minded people from our life. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Thomas Posey
Location - Winnsboro, Texas
Prayer Request - I am a substance abuse counselor at a prison and do a lot of spiritual warfare. Please pray for me and my family to be protected and delivered from evil. Pray God will renew and sanctify me and my wife’s mind.

Prayer Request by - Terri
Location - Canada
Prayer Request - For Gary to be saved and for prayers for his friend Shirley to be answered. She needs healing. For a major touch of God in Gary’s heart, to be able to forgive and be emotionally/spiritually whole. His blind sister, Karen, has been praying for him. She, too, needs a touch from God, as she intercedes for many.

Prayer Request by - Tintu
Location - India
Prayer Request - I feel stuck, I’m completely shattered – I need help, career, family, financially, personally everything is in shambles. Please with tears, I ask you all to please pray for my deliverance. I am currently 25yrs old.

Prayer Request by - Natasha
Location - Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Prayer Request - Thanking God and you for your Powerful Prayer Support. Praying for deliverance and protection of Joseph, JB, Natasha, and relatives from witchcraft and may God bring us all to conversion. Bless all our exams, work, and jobs in Jesus Christ’s Most Precious Name -with Thanksgiving.

Prayer Request by - Rob
Location - Las Vegas, Nevada
Prayer Request - Can you please pray for my friend Jayme, she doesn’t believe in Jesus, and she’s a struggling single mother. May God open her eyes and bring a Christian man into her life. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Olivia
Location - Wales
Prayer Request - My dog slipped out of his harness last night and run off. He’s a traumatized rescue, and we’re really worried about his wellbeing. Please pray that he’ll return home safely asap.

Prayer Request by - Melissa
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I need urgent and strong prayer for protection of my income and current employment. I am under extreme attack and need God’s full protection and help. I pray God will protect me and my entire family from all evil that comes against us. Praise God and Jesus for answered prayers! Bless You.

Prayer Request by - Hank
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Asking prayer for a friend that she be delivered from any evil spirits or bonds and that my prayers would lead her to God and His Holy Spirit would descend on her and give her the desire to seek Jesus.

Prayer Request by - Tan Popatas
Location - Thailand
Prayer Request - To be forgiven by him or her and all of them and my nemeses. For medicine to stop. To restore from all damage I have done double. To not be tortured during night.

Prayer Request by - Privacy
Location - Alabama
Prayer Request - Please pray for a Christian woman that was unjustly fired. Her name is Dana. A God-fearing woman and she could lose her home.

Prayer Request by - Tim
Location - New Jersey
Prayer Request - For my daughter-in-law Alma. She is in a bad relationship with another man while the father of her children works 2 jobs to support them. That God would end the bad relationship and bring her closer to the father of her children. Also, that God would stop her from moving away with this man.

Prayer Request by - Richi Wheeler
Location - New York
Prayer Request - Please speak health and life to my mom Diane, sisters Jessica and Tammie, and my brother Shannon and his family and I Richi. Thank you all for your love and kind words and thoughts and prayers. I thank God we are healthy, strong, and enjoy his peace. I thank God. He is so good.

Prayer Request by - Lina S
Location - India
Prayer Request - Please pray for me as I am facing difficulties in my current place. My officials and coworkers are jealous of me and tying to harass me. I am thinking of transferring, but I am confused whether new place be safe for me or not. I believe in God’s will is my security. Please ask God’s will be fulfilled in my job. If He wants me to be in the same place and my request for transfer cancelled, but if good doors are opening in a new place, He may send me to the quite waters.

Prayer Request by - Maryna
Location - Alaska
Prayer Request - Please pray with me, my supervisor, Whitney, is trying to make things very difficult for me. I believe it’s because I am a Christian. Please pray that God will change her and give me favor.

Prayer Request by - Pretty
Location - India
Prayer Request - My 6 years old autistic son is suffering from high grade fever of 104 since 2 days, his fever is fluctuating. Medicine not working on his body. Please pray for fever to become normal and complete healing of my son. May Jesus hear our cry for help.

Prayer Request by - Brandon Dixon
Location - Morrisville, North Carolina
Prayer Request - I really hate looking at myself in the mirror after everything that has happened in my life due to drugs and pornography and age. It’s difficult for me and it hinders my life. I would really like a wife as well, but it’s just a tough circle. Please pray for my youthfulness and a woman to cross paths with me in the future to get married. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Sunil Kumar
Location - India
Prayer Request - Why all the bad things are happening to me Lord? What wrong have I done and if I have done anything wrong, please forgive me Lord. My life has become upside down. Please help me Lord. Please try to resolve all my issues and help me with the solution to my problem Lord. I have lost everything. I can’t handle this burden anymore. Sometimes I wish to die, but I can’t even do that. Please Lord, help me. I don’t want to have such a life Lord. Please Lord. I want to get out of this hell. Please Lord, help me.

Prayer Request by - Jim
Location - Pennsylvania
Prayer Request - Asking prayers for my friend Colleen. She can’t seem to lose feelings and get away from a guy named John who is not good for her. I’m asking that she’s set free and has an instant clean break and no communication ever again, and a greater relationship and unity between myself and Colleen as this has severely damaged our friendship. Asking for restoration between us, she’s recovering from a hysterectomy and needs prayers regarding that, and her son struggles with depression. Thanks for the prayers. Also, if you have a prayer chain please add this request to it.

Prayer Request by - Palmira
Location - Englewood, Colorado
Prayer Request - Please pray against the plans and works of evil against my life. Please pray for divine protection for me, for my 3 children (Eddie and my 2 daughters Melissa and Malorie). My son-in-law Steven also needs your prayers. Thank you for your support.

Prayer Request by - Mabel
Location - Brooklyn, New York
Prayer Request - Please help me pray for Marlon Jeovanny Hodgson Hernandez. He’s fighting a terrible battle of Alcoholism. I keep praying, and I feel that I alone is not enough to get to the heavens. Please help me pray that the disease of Alcoholism, his triggers, and his mind that haunts him can dissipate and never to haunt him ever again. Send it to the pit hell that not one person will have to go through it. I pray for total healing in his body. In Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Frankie
Location - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Prayer Request - For Stephen Ross to receive salvation and water baptism in Jesus name.

Prayer Request by - Rachel
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Heavenly Father, thank you for hearing my prayer, I pray for freedom from scapegoating, sickness, and the strength to go on. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Nicole
Location - Baltimore, Maryland
Prayer Request - May you pray that the Lord restore my older brother’s health and deliver him from his past.

Prayer Request by - Nicole Carter
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Prayer for Nicole Carter healing for Bell’s palsy and stress. Also, prayer for God to help me get rid of stomach fat and my stomach becomes flatter in Jesus name amen. Thank you, Jesus for weight loss. Also, God to help me not over eat before bed.

Prayer Request by - Emilio
Location - Peru
Prayer Request - Please pray for my country. Crime is increasing, and now it is almost common to hear news of crimes by hitmen, in addition to the crimes committed by stealing a cell phone, among other ways that cause fear in the streets, especially in big cities like Lima. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Tan Popatas
Location - Thailand
Prayer Request - Please pray for me. I messed up big time today. Please pray that he or she, all of them, and my nemesis forgive me. Please pray for my spirit to adjust. Please pray for total restoration. Please pray that I won't be tortured in the night.

Prayer Request by - Rdnb
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Pray for a friend's full body healing from autoimmune disease.

Prayer Request by - Doh
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for my friend TL right now. She is in a very dangerous situation with some very dangerous people. Please lift her up to God with me and ask for His angels to surround and protect her. Deliver her from these people and break Satan and His Fallen Angels claim over her. Thank you so much.

Prayer Request by - Amada Yoder
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for all ties between my husband Paul and his mistress to be broken. Please also pray for Paul to fall in love with Jesus and me more than ever.

Prayer Request by - Ashley
Location - United States
Prayer Request - In Jesus Name pray Ashley’s sciatica pain down her leg is completely and immediately healed without issue in Jesus Name, Amen. Please pray also for the regulating of her cycle and hormones and that no weapon formed against her, nor my family, nor our loved ones, nor I, shall prosper. Deliver us from every evil and lead us not into temptation, shall prosper in Jesus Name, Amen.

Prayer Request by - Tope
Location - United Kingdom
Prayer Request - Please pray that God will defeat all my enemies and provide me a job urgently Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Christopher
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for restoration between my wife Rebeca and I. In Jesus’ name, amen. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Akshaya
Location - India
Prayer Request - Praise the Lord brother. Please pray for Ruvva Akshaya for her normal delivery and to be blessed with a healthy baby. Thanking you.

Prayer Request by - Gerald
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for my son Jesse. He is living a sinful lifestyle with drinking, stealing, homosexuality, and refusing to get medical attention for Hepatitis B and also doesn’t want a relationship with me and his mother .

Prayer Request by - Jiju
Location - United States
Prayer Request - My son Daniel Kuttikat has global delay. He has low muscle tone and scoliosis. He has partial hearing loss and speech delay. He is 8 yrs old. Kindly pray so that he can catch up with his peers.

Prayer Request by - Kobie Hattingh
Location - Randfontein, Gauteng, South Africa
Prayer Request - Please pray with me. I suffer high blood pressure and colon cancer. I believe my Lord Jesus is my only healer and I only trust in Him.

Prayer Request by - Noemi
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I would like prayer for my friend to forgive me and accept my apology. That God restores our friendship. 

Prayer Request by - Mark
Location - Chicago, Illinois
Prayer Request - Please pray for all my health upsets and worries.

Prayer Request by - Prima
Location - India
Prayer Request - My brother-in-law is characterless and goes for black magic and offers sacrifices and now by telling lie prospects of his life, he looks for proposals. In this fraud, my husband, his friend and broker is involved. Please pray that the girl rejects his proposal for marriage and let the girl’s life be saved by this fraud man. Please pray it’s urgent.

Prayer Request by - Victoria Trujillo
Location - Washington State
Prayer Request - Please pray for my legal issues and court case to be dropped and to have favor with an innocent outcome. Pray that I come out healed, and better than when I started out. Pray everything, during this court case, goes in my favor and gets dropped with no record, and I’m judged as innocent. Pray I get healing and restoration during this time and everything turns around to be better than when I started out.

Prayer Request by - Michelle
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for me, and my kids. We need Devine intervention and miracles.

Prayer Request by - Anil
Location - India
Prayer Request - Desperate for a job, being unemployed for last 9 years and finances are depleting. Son is also depressed as unable to get an MBA seat. Will the LORD ever help us, life is getting meaningless by the day.

Prayer Request by - Vuyo Mabandla
Location - South Africa
Prayer Request - Dear GOD - I obediently and humbly Pray that you show yourself to us during our financial difficulties. Kindly please answer and meet our financial needs and wants in our Wimpy Franchise business 🙏 Amen and Amen 🙏 LORD.

Prayer Request by - Elizabeth
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Jesus, please heal Janelle’s kidneys and the rest of her body. She has a lot of health issues but You can heal her. Help her and her family to have a saving faith in You.

Also, please help Isaiah to be stable. Help him hold down a job and be independent. Guide both of us to You and help us fall in love with You. Help us know if we should get married or not. Please help me get out of debt and help my finances. I am struggling to support myself.

Prayer Request by - Marlina
Location - Baltimore, Maryland
Prayer Request - Laura needs healing from pancreatic cancer and M needs healing from breast cancer. Thank you for praying.

Prayer Request by - Michael
Location - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Prayer Request - Please pray that god will supply us with more food. We rely on the food bank to feed our family. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Brenda
Location - Kansas
Prayer Request - My brother Scott is 54 and a believer. He is having serious breathing problems and may be facing a lung transplant. Pray for complete healing and wisdom and comfort for him. He has never been a smoker.

Prayer Request by - David
Location - India
Prayer Request - Not feeling well. Please pray for restoration of my health. God will use me mightily for His glory.

Prayer Request by - Reyna
Location - Texas
Prayer Request - I ask for the prayer urgently. I left the cult the light of the world (La Luz Del Mundo) recently. Ever since I was 5 years old I’ve been a targeted individual by my family and third parties. Both in public and in the occult they have been attacking me. I am now 29 years old and they won’t stop getting into my personal life.

I was sexually molested by my female and male cousins, mom’s boyfriend, and neighbor as a child. My neighbor would satanic sex ritual abuse me without my knowledge. After the satanic sex ritual abuse, they signed me up for sex trafficking, and I was sex trafficked without my consent to 10 males.

I have been needing to get married but at 7 years old I had an evil exchange done to me in 2001 by third parties in the occult. I have and need to get married and recover what the enemy has stolen without my consent, permission, and knowledge.

Prayer Request by - Leslie
Location - Louisiana
Prayer Request - I need a breakthrough through all the lies that people have said about me to frame me, and I lost my friends. I’ve lost my relationships with other people. Please pray for this whole situation and then a lot of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Request by - Amber Lomas
Location - New Zealand
Prayer Request - Hi there I am currently seeking prayer for strength and support for a custody battle I been in about 5 years or so for my 2 sons. I have been having dreams which I believe are messages from God. In my dreams I’m always been stolen from, my car my money, I’m not sure what to pray? Or what to do? But I believe it's the enemy.

My sons Jaxon and Brandon Amson want more time with me, seems like with the court situation we have gone in circles. I attend church regularly. The other party are non-believers, don’t seem to support or want me to have any relationship with my children. They have a lot of money. I feel that I can’t compete at times.

God has very recently blessed me with a house and car and a job which I’m hoping will prosper. They are all answer to prayers, I’m so grateful. I’m asking that you please pray for favour for work for increase, that I will have my sons home more. That God comes against any plan of the enemy, that His will be done, I also ask healing and protection for us all.

Prayer Request by - Bindu
Location - India
Prayer Request - Kindly pray for God to be gracious unto me and make my beloved call me immediately. He is egotistical and stubborn. Blew up a petty matter and cut himself off. Silent and cold. After so many years together only God should make our love whole and bind us to each other by unbinding from all. I am heartbroken but waiting with faith in the Lord.

Prayer Request by - Sharon
Location - Texas
Prayer Request - Pray for deliverance of an evil spirit from me. Also, pray for healing of my liver (last stage) and kidney, pray I stop having bad dreams, and my blood pressure goes down. Pray B returns to the Lord and He gives her wisdom about her life.

Prayer Request by - Fredrick Namaste
Location - Mangalore, India
Prayer Request - Please pray for Fredrick Lobo who is suffering from lung cancer, remove all blockages, and financial problems.

Prayer Request by - A. Hernandez
Location - Rhode Island
Prayer Request - Urgent. Please pray for healing for my daughter (LH blood cancer), hard time breathing for my husband, myself, children, grandchildren. Severe stomach intestinal, respiratory infection, and for protection. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Stephanie
Location - Penge, South East London, England
Prayer Request - Dear God, just want to say thank you for watching over me, my children, family, and friends. God remove all evil from our lives, lift our souls and lives with joy and happiness. Guide us on the right paths, take away all pain and illness. God we love you, Amen.

Prayer Request by - Guadalupe
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for my current situation, I need to find a part-time job soon, pray for my son and myself to be safe in whatever decision we may have to make according to the circumstances that we are in. Please pray that our landlord Mr. Owens doesn’t get upset with us but to be reasonable and to allow us to make some repairs without any trouble from him, but for him to find peace in God as well. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Frankie
Location - East (???)
Prayer Request - Catherine Elizabeth Middleton. To receive salvation and water baptism in Jesus name.

Prayer Request by - Zakiyyah Abdullah
Location - Paterson, New Jersey
Prayer Request - I pray for healing spiritually, mentally, and physically. I pray for a new home and a new car. I pray to be healed from schizophrenia and I pray to be made back into my happy healthy self again. I pray for forgiveness from all of my sins and to be healed from my past.

Prayer Request by - Eero Vahter
Location - Suomi (Finland)
Prayer Request - Prayer request for a man facing a difficult intestinal surgery at 04.05.2024, that it would be successful.

Prayer Request by - Juanita
Location - India
Prayer Request - Please pray for me to get a transfer from my current place and get a transfer to the place where I can serve the people of God.

Prayer Request by - Tyra
Location - Singapore
Prayer Request - Please pray for my mum’s blood test and urine test report to be normal and good esp her egfr, creatinine, uric acid, platelets, and red /white blood cells.

Prayer Request by - Phil
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for the Lord to bless my elderly mother’s (Barbara) personal injury lawsuit claim which is a result of negligence on the part of a local supermarket employee. She has taken a year now to recover. Negotiations/litigation have begun, and we are praying for a fair and generous settlement that will allow her medical bills and debt to be paid as well as providing for her needs as she ages. This will be a tremendous lifting of a burden for both of us. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Natasha Hoyos
Location - Woodbury, New Jersey
Prayer Request - Please remove the spirit of infirmity and fear away from myself and my loved ones. Allow no evil to cross my path. I want a long healthy life to praise God and do his work. Please protect the child in my womb and pray for a healthy birth.

Prayer Request by - Jeff
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I need prayer for healing so I can work.

Prayer Request by - Hunter Small
Location - Dallas, Texas
Prayer Request - Will you please pray for God to help me find peace and happiness?

Prayer Request by - C. Clark
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I need prayers for a teaching job in my neighborhood. I have put out 100 to 200 resumes. I truly am in need of a job in many ways. Please help me. Thank you again for your time and consideration and prayers and support.

Prayer Request by - Wendy
Location - Georgia
Prayer Request - My husband was laid off in 2022. He took a job at a local warehouse while he is looking for a job. We are struggling to pay our bills because it has been almost two years. Please pray that doors open up for our family. Thank you.

Please pray for my nephew Ryan. He is looking for a better paying job to help support his family. He has a child now and they are struggling to make ends meet.

Prayer Request by - Noel Dsouza
Location - India
Prayer Request - Dear Friends, I have made this request several times before, and the Lord Jesus has made me wait to grant this intention, or he has another plan for me. My wife Maryann Dsouza has abandoned me and left me on 2nd Jan. 2023 for mistakes I have made many years ago. She and her daughter Delphine and her son-in-law Patrick left me for small fights, to die alone in India.

I am a heart patient, with a Pacemaker. I was Angry, frustrated, and depressed and wrote some nasty emails to them, for which I have apologized. I had excess alcohol and damaged many of my organs for which the good Lord is healing me. She has blocked me on her phone as well as her entire family too. She is out of the country now. Please fervently intercede and pray to the Lord Jesus to change her mind, heart and violent character, and come back to me. I am dying slowly here. I am 66 and she is 64 of age. Please pray fervently for her return back to me. I love her and cannot live without her. Praise the Lord.

Prayer Request by - Andrew Pick
Location - United States
Prayer Request - God to draw close to me and increase faith and feel God’s presence.

Prayer Request by - Phil Chavez
Location - Torrance, California
Prayer Request - Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired.

Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Steve, aunt Jackie and pray salvation, healing, and long life for my mom’s boyfriend Joe who has cancer.

Please pray GOD Blesses me financially so I can pay all bills and not have to worry about paying future bills. Please pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon, I’ve been praying for a life partner for 29 years. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Christine
Location - New York
Prayer Request - Please pray with me that I will be able to maintain the current position I have at my job. I pray I can prove myself to the new managers and that we’ll all get along well together. If I’m forced to move, I pray I’ll like it (AND the managers!) wherever I end up and NOT get my hours cut. I NEED this job to remain full time!!

Prayer Request by - Wayne
Location - Wyoming
Prayer Request - Pray that I will soon see a breakthrough in my present situation. Thanks!

Prayer Request by - Jeff
Location - United States
Prayer Request - We need a miracle breakthrough for financial help and healing and deliverance.

Prayer Request by - Anthony Shituti
Location - Kisii, Kenya
Prayer Request - Kindly pray for me that God may open financial doors for me so that I can pay my debtors.

Prayer Request by - Jade
Location - Hobart, Australia
Prayer Request - My family hates me. I’m really scared. They persecute me. I need to get away from them. 

I have a pinched nerve down my back and I can’t sleep. I also have one in my neck and lower back. I have also pulled a muscle in my back. I’m in so much pain all over. I have a brain injury and concussion. I have a urinary tract, bladder, and bowel infection.

Prayer Request by - Jobin Ujjal
Location - India
Prayer Request - Pray for the guidance and strength and healing for me from God. I’m going through difficult times. The good opportunities coming on my life are getting blocked. My parents are hating me for preaching the gospel at home.

Prayer Request by - B. Samuel
Location - India
Prayer Request - Please pray for my results and upcoming exams they are going to start from tomorrow and ends on Wednesday. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Carol
Location - India
Prayer Request - I have applied for Canada PR and my profile is in the pool for many days but I am not getting a PNP invitation for my profile. As I have paid a lot of money to the consultancy and my IELTS also expire in June. I request you to pray for my intention. Please 🙏.

Prayer Request by - C. Clark
Location - United States
Prayer Request - My sister has a bad temper and she is very rageful and violent and she needs prayers. And thank you so much for your prayers for her to calm down about everything.

Prayer Request by - Josephine
Location - Secunderabad, India
Prayer Request - I am Josephine. I am brain stock patient and my husband is having extra marital affair. Said he stopped. He said I didn’t trust him and I am away from him and he is in deep crises. All are calling and asking for money. Stressed out. Please pray that he comes out of it please.

Prayer Request by - Gera James
Location - Malawi
Prayer Request - Please pray for me. Am affected with manhood problem, skin disease, and unemployment.

Prayer Request by - Brian Weinrich
Location - Fleetwood, Pennsylvania
Prayer Request - I need a prayer for financial help. My wife is 17 weeks pregnant and our rent is draining us financially and is $1,100 a month along with the other bills and we can’t seem to get caught up. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m so stressed out.

Prayer Request by - Felicia
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Prayer for Rodney for mental health issues.

Prayer Request by - Lashawna
Location - Florida
Prayer Request - Heavenly Father, I pray for my father’s safety from addictions grasp and wicked influences. Protect him from harm and guide him back to faith. In Jesus’ name, bind the demons of pride, stubbornness, confusion, addiction, lust, and perversion, freeing all from their stronghold. Surround him with Your angels and send helpers in unsafe situations. Deliver him from darkness, enemies, strife, hate, envy, vengeance, and ungodly spirits. Furthermore, I ask for deliverance from any spirit that hinders him from experiencing Your grace, attending church, or embracing the faith he once held dear. May he find peace and freedom in Your love. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Melissa
Location - Maryland
Prayer Request - Please pray for reconciliation with my son and his wife, for my Husband’s job, that our vehicles will be extra reliable, for our finances, that I quit smoking, that I feel the presence of God in my life and for my unsaved loved ones to get saved before the rapture or before they die. And for all the unsaved in this world.

Prayer Request by - Tejaswi
Location - India
Prayer Request - My husband and I are having a lot of difference in opinions and problems from starting of marriage (5 years). We have 2 kids, one daughter and one son. My husband is beating me a lot. Police case is also going on. My husband beat me, and my mother 1 month back. I came to my home place and gave police complaint.

He is not ready to change his arrogant behavior and is telling that if I trigger him he will beat me. He is also not accepting his mistake and not asking me, and my kids to come back. He is warning me if I give police complaint he will divorce me. I don’t want my marriage to breakdown, I want my husband to come and say sorry to me and my mother and take me and my kids happily with him.

His mother also does not like me. I want her to love me and my kids and want to be happily together. He has deleted my number from his and his mother mobile. There are mediators working on settling the matter by giving lump some amount as alimony to me and our kids. I am fearful. Please pray for my marriage.

Prayer Request by - Michael
Location - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Prayer Request - Please pray for us. We need a financial miracle to pay for our bills and everyday living expenses. Thank you, Michael and family.

Prayer Request by - Ron Dixon
Location - Maryland
Prayer Request - I’m a 53yr old Christian Navy veteran who has Parkinson’s and blasphasym (???) in eyes. Please pray for me that I will get healed. I put my thanks and trust. Glory be to God.

Prayer Request by - Jaise Tom Joji
Location - Qatar
Prayer Request - Praise the Lord, Amen. My name is Jaise Tom Joji. I am living in Qatar. I completed my 10th and I am checking admission for 11th class. I need admission and opted for (Science Bio Ip). Please pray for Admission and Science group. Thank you🙏.

Prayer Request by - Nick
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I recently lost my job. I’ve been putting in applications starting Monday and now thinking of going back to school but at the same time my anxiety is taking the best of me. I am praying for salvation to turn my life around or at the least hold my anxiety in check until this dark tide passes.

Prayer Request by - Paco
Location - Louisiana
Prayer Request - Please pray for 1. A closer walk with the Lord, and 2. HUD assistance with ever-increasing rent. Based on income, it has jumped nearly $200 above what the 30% figure should be. Thank you, and may God bless you and yours with his best.

Prayer Request by - John
Location - Kerala, India
Prayer Request - Please pray for me to live a holy life.

Prayer Request by - Terryann Floyd
Location - Trinidad and Tobago
Prayer Request - I am requesting prayer for an amazing job.

Prayer Request by - Andrew
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Good health healing for health and protection and long life. Praise God.

Prayer Request by - Selisha Floyd
Location - Trinidad and Tobago
Prayer Request - I am requesting prayer to obtain a 100% full ride scholarship to study abroad to pursue my Linguistics degree.

Prayer Request by - Jaspher
Location - Bangladesh
Prayer Request - In the name of God, our test examination has been finished on the 14th of March and the results will be published within a week. Please pray for me and friends so that we can pass in every subject. I believe that Jesus Christ will definitely fulfill my biggest wish. And I will be able to pass in the test exam and my friends as well. In the name of God. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Joseph Gomez
Location - Austin, Texas
Prayer Request - God’s guidance with my job and financial debt.

Prayer Request by - Stephen Walker
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Asking for prayer that God breaks the spirit of confusion from my mind. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Melissa
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray that Daryl will find God and choose to have a relationship with him.

Prayer Request by - AbS
Location - United Kingdom
Prayer Request - Please pray for me and stand in agreement with me, I am under heavy attack! My plans are being thwarted at every angle. I need prayers to lift any curses away from my life. I wish to meet someone dear to me in April/May and praying for that to happen without any issues obstructing the plans. It’s been over 6 months and this would be greatest thing to happen this year. Please also pray that the move which I am planning will happen and that God leads us in the right direction! No more stolen blessings. Amen.

Prayer Request by - C Clark
Location - United States
Prayer Request - My sister has anorexia and is depressed, and she is very tired. She needs prayers and prayers and prayers and I thank you for your time and help and prayers for her.

Prayer Request by - Julie
Location - United States
Prayer Request - My mom, sister, and I are struggling through a lot of difficulties and need God’s healing and strength to help us through please. God bless you for praying.

Prayer Request by - Juanita Higginbotham
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Prayers for healing my back and depression.

Prayer Request by - Vuyo Mabandla
Location - South Africa
Prayer Request - Dear God, I pray that we succeed in removing the devil, his roots, and his people from my Wimpy Business. Amen 🙏 LORD.

Prayer Request by - Anthony Shituti
Location - Kenya
Prayer Request - Kindly pray for me that God may help me out of financial constraints. I owe people huge amount of money due to the collapse of my business. I have been given a short period of time to repay back.

Prayer Request by - Patty
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for my son Jon and his family; Jon, Elizabeth, Carolina, and Yianni. Jon deals with demons of bipolar, anxiety, and anger. He just texted me and asked me to please pray for him, that he has a lot of anger right now. Thank you, Patty.

Prayer Request by - Beth Warren
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Pray for discernment in my parenting. I have one daughter. Also, from demonic attacks in my mind (hallucination). I’m obese and have inflammation.

Prayer Request by - Vansh
Location - India
Prayer Request - I am having intrusive thoughts. Please pray for my deliverance. And rebuke that (intrusive thought) unclean spirit in Jesus might name. My name is Vansh.

Prayer Request by - Andrew and Nicole
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Protection from our enemies. God to judge our enemies for causing us so much harm. God to restore everything lost because of our enemies.

Prayer Request by - Jennifer Spitzer
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray that I have energy, strength, protection from my enemies. Favor great health, do an excellent and amazing job with alertness. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Viola Cleo Bradshaw
Location - Kingston
Prayer Request - Please pray for me. Dear Jesus, I need your help, pray for love and light for me and can I have more deep sleep and deep peace and healing for my broken nose? I am very tired… Can you heal my multiple personality disorder? Lift up Seraphina, my old dog, to be free from suffering to God. Lift up Jhana Maya Bradshaw to God. Amen. Jesus is a great teacher.

Prayer Request by - Kevin
Location - Bethlehem
Prayer Request - Pray for my back and past injuries. Pray for financial stability and to get my car fixed or have the opportunity to get a better car. Pray that L will get a job to help me out.

Prayer Request by - Sheri
Location - Kerrville, Texas
Prayer Request - Please Jesus help me lose 50 Lbs. and lower my blood pressure.

Prayer Request by - Steve
Location - Canada
Prayer Request - For a fresh touch, anointing, or presence of God felt in my life.

Prayer Request by - Eero Vahter
Location - Finland
Prayer Request - We have a Spiritual Camp occurring on 08.09.2024. Those who come are alcoholics and drug addicts. That Jesus saves them and that they become free.

Prayer Request by - Prince
Location - Qatar
Prayer Request - Prayer request for Rejoin with my friend. We had an argument 3 weeks ago. After I tried to apologize to him from my side, even though both equally made the mistake. But he is not cooperating with me. I am so depressed. Please pray for that to change his mind and come back.

Prayer Request by - Jeff
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I need prayer for healing and financial miracle.

Prayer Request by - Linda
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Prayer for healing in my family. Pray Lisa would be reconciliated to my folks and me and lily. Pray she would be healed and let go of all malice and unforgiveness and bitterness and resentment.

Pray for grandpa healing and ability to walk unaided. Pray he could get a home health nurse soon.

Pray for the healing my parents and their relationship with aunt Linda and Daniel. Pray for healing of aunt Linda from hip surgery and Daniel from depression and exhaustion. Pray for healing of Lauren’s relationship with aunt Linda and Daniel.

Pray for the healing of Patrick and Jason and help Jason be less stressed and help him at work.

Pray for me for healing mentally and emotionally and be able to lose weight easily. Pray I can make my jewelry crafting into a real profitable business and I would be a successful entrepreneur.

Pray for healing and reconnection and fellowship with all my friends.

Prayer Request by - Larry Lawrence
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for my mother. She stands in need of prayer for her kidneys. Please pray for my brother for family salvation. Please pray for me I need prayer. Also please pray that I will get a financial breakthrough. Please pray – I need God’s guidance on something. I don’t want to make a sudden change. I want God to be in it. I am not happy at the church I go to but I don’t want to change cause my mother goes to the church.

Prayer Request by - Mark P
Location - Tennessee
Prayer Request - Pray for reconciliation of my marriage and family so that we can come together under the same roof through God’s grace and mercy and draw closer to God and to each other.

Prayer Request by - Ikechukwu
Location - Lagos, Nigeria
Prayer Request - Greetings in the matchless name of JESUS! My name is Ikechukwu Okoro from Lagos, Nigeria. My mother of 75 years old whose name is Elizabeth Okoro has an ENLARGED HEART and is in a critical condition now – she is suffering too much discomfort. Please pray for her to receive DIVINE HEALING.

Prayer Request by - Siddhartha Bordoloi
Location - Assam, India
Prayer Request - She is Tista (Moumoni) Hazarika. She passed her Higher Secondary (10+2) examination in Science stream two years ago. Her cherished aim in life is to be a doctor. As per Government of India, it is a mandated requirement to qualify NEET (National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test) Exam to study medical courses in India and abroad. She appeared in the NEET exam last year but unfortunately could not qualify in the exam. This year NEET is scheduled to be held on 5th May and Tista is going to appear in it.

May I most humbly request you to bless the girl and pray deeply for her so that she could crack the prestigious exam this year and become a doctor?

Infinite gratitude for your untiring prayers for us all.

Prayer Request by - Russ Streff
Location - Illinois
Prayer Request - Pray for healing for our family. My wife and I have been separated for 3 years following the suicide of our teen son 4 years ago. We have an 8 year old boy. We are really struggling to heal. Dealing with frequent fear, anxiety, and spiritual warfare. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Linda
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Prayer for Jen and Crystal for psychological and emotional healing and for them to get the help they need. Pray for them to get the housing and transportation they need. Pray God would heal the whole situation and relationship with Jen, and I would be able to see and spend time with baby Jade in the future. Help them get their life together.

Prayer Request by - Bindu
Location - India
Prayer Request - My beloved has 3 more years to retire with full benefits. Has worked same company for 34 years. Was unwell for two weeks. Reported to work before 30 days. Corporate has sent him back 4 times saying rest. There is a possibility they will force him to retire. Please pray that for the next 3 years God will mercifully secure his job. Same post, same office location. Very worried. Unless God intercedes, we are powerless. God has to command corporate to stop and allow him to finish his service with good health.

Prayer Request by - Michele
Location - Davenport, Iowa
Prayer Request - Please pray for my brother Tyler. He is not well and the doctors don’t know what is wrong with him. Please pray that the doctors are able to diagnose him and give him the right treatment, so his health will be restored.

Prayer Request by - Sally
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for salvation for my husband Felix, deliverance from alcohol, drugs, gambling. LORD, restore my marriage and remove his stony heart, so he’d not neglect the marriage. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Jerry
Location - California
Prayer Request - Please pray for my beloved wife Lucy – in remission 18 months from stage 4 gastric cancer – we fear it has returned. I am nothing without her and cannot go on without her. WE NEED A MIRACLE! Your ongoing / continued prayers are needed. Lord, hear our prayer.

Prayer Request by - Andrew
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Prayer for Andrew Pick. Healing for bump underneath skin. Also, protection and prayer for bipolar depression.

Prayer Request by - Matt
Location - California
Prayer Request - That the healing hand of God will touch my mom Sherryo. That healing will take place in her lungs. That she will be healed in her chest and breathing that the healing angels of God will touch her. That supernatural healing will take place. That any vaccine symptoms will be removed. That she will feel the healing presents of the Holy Spirit. That she will have a healing encounter with Jesus. That corona will be removed from her body.

Prayer Request by - Thea Brauer
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I pray that I finally change from the inside out. I pray I finally change for the better in nearly every aspect of my life. I pray I finally grow up, take responsibility for my life, and become the adult both me, and my parents can be proud of. I pray I finally reestablish a good relationship with my mom soon. I pray I finally lose weight, get into better shape, and reverse the diabetes...

Prayer Request by - Margaret Perez
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for my husband and I to have our first baby together. We are having difficulty getting pregnant.

Prayer Request by - Albina
Location - India
Prayer Request - Please pray for my dad as he is in serious condition with cough, heart problems, diabetes, blood pressure, and I have panic anxiety attacks, also gastric, and gum problems.

Prayer Request by - Jerry
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for my beloved wife Lucy – in remission 18 months from stage four gastric cancer, we fear that it may have returned. She is my life and I will be lost and unable to continue without her. We need a miracle. Lord hear our prayer. Please offer continuing / ongoing prayers for her if at all possible.

Prayer Request by - Melanoe
Location - UK
Prayer Request - Please pray for my relationship. I’m devastated. The man I was intending to marry ended things abruptly after 2 years. I don’t know what to do. He has stopped speaking after a disagreement and ended all contact. I’m in so much pain. I tried to reach out to him to make peace but he doesn’t want to know. Please pray for us. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Aubrey
Location - Covington, Washington
Prayer Request - I need strongholds and all chains off of me .I’m being attacked by my husband who I feel is doing what Satan wants him to do. Satan is using my husband to attack my faith, my belief. I feel confused about what’s really happening in my marriage. It’s been 2 years that my husband left and we haven’t divorced but I can feel there is infidelity in our marriage and I am always being attacked. Please help.

Prayer Request by - DJK
Location - United States
Prayer Request -Please pray for the Lord Jesus to heal and protect my wife and myself as it seems we’ve been under attack lately with illness, an injury, and my work environment becoming treacherous. Please pray for the Lord to bless me with Restoration of our Health, Peace, Joy and Happiness. Thank you Lord Jesus for hearing our prayers. God bless you all!

Prayer Request by - Nick
Location - Hesperia, California
Prayer Request -I recently started a new job, and I’ve been sick twice. I’m nervous all the time and just trying to do better and have them like me and me wake up not stressed. Please help me.

Prayer Request by - Antonia
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I am asking for prayers to be healed from all my many ailments that I have been suffering from for the last few years, so please pray for me to be healed completely in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Reedy
Location - ???
Prayer Request - Pray for my son (he is in jail in Indiana) that he stays strong and keep believing that God is able to do all things to those who believe. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Prasad
Location - Pune, India
Prayer Request - Please pray for two brothers caught in accident in their company. They have got injury to both hands. Please Lord Jesus, touch the veins and bones and restore all in the name of Jesus for both hands.

Prayer Request by - Joy Rodrigues
Location - India
Prayer Request - Please pray for good health of Brian, Gretta, Neil, Florina, Mervin, and Nicole Nazareth.

I have been asking God for help for years.

Prayer Request by - Charles
Location - India
Prayer Request - Please pray for Niti, Neelima, Charles, and Aaron for peace and joy.

Prayer Request by - Sheila
Location - Illinois
Prayer Request - Please pray for Bobby. He has a small bowel obstruction. Surgeons will not operate because he has metastatic colon cancer. Our only hope is a miraculous healing from our Lord, the Almighty Physician. He is the only one who can save him. In Jesus name, Amen.

Prayer Request by - Antonia
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I am asking for prayers to be healed from all my many ailments that I have been suffering from for the last few years, so please pray for me to be healed completely in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Jose Adrian Reyes Castillo
Location - USA
Prayer Request - I ask for prayer for my children Isahi Reyes and Valerie Reyes for finances and job.

Prayer Request by - Heather Verrier
Location - Florida
Prayer Request - URGENT PRAYERS NEEDED for Patrick who is in critical condition due to a cancerous brain tumor.

Prayer Request by - Jerry
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Prayer for healing and protection of my marriage.

Prayer Request by - Nic Lew
Location - Minnesota
Prayer Request - Please pray for my new friend Angela who is far from God. She has strained family relationships and needs Jesus. Thank you so much!

Prayer Request by - Lillian
Location - Kenya
Prayer Request - Hello, please pray for me, for financial breakthrough. Believing for rent, my daughter’s school fee, and transport. Praying for 500,000 Kenyan shillings to start business so that I can support my kids as a single Mom.

Prayer Request by - Zee
Location - UK
Prayer Request - Please help me pray for marital restoration. My marriage has been under attack since 5th January. My husband has moved out and is asking for a separation/divorce. Rumour has it that he is seeing someone else. I have been on the altar, praying, and waiting on God for a miracle of reconciliation, but it seems the more I pray the more he deletes all my pictures and ask me to move on. I need God’s mercy, please pray for me. Please pray for my 11 year old daughter who is devastated too.

Prayer Request by - Larry Lawrence
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for my mother. She stands in need of prayer for her kidneys Please pray for my brother for family salvation, and please pray for me, I am not feeling well today.

Prayer Request by - Hector
Location - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Prayer Request - I need urgent prayers. It seems like everything is going bad in my life one after another. I have been out of a job for well over a year. I was taken to court for child support and there was a hold on the child support payments, and the mother of my child has brought lies against me. And they reopened the child support payments due to her saying things that is not true. She is a bitter baby mama and will use everything in her power to also keep me away from my child. I am emotionally exhausted. I need prayers that somehow somehow God hears the petition of my prayers. And shift the circumstance if this situation in the mighty name of Jesus!!!!

Prayer Request by - Jaime Estrada
Location - Corcoran State Prison, Corcoran, California
Prayer Request - I’m currently facing a Spiritual battle and feeling lost. It’s difficult for me to share this with anyone as I fear they might question my sanity. I’m in desperate need of prayer warriors who can support me and pray for my deliverance and the safety of my loved ones. This situation has been incredibly torturous for me. I hope that one day there will be a ministry outreach in my area that can provide assistance to people like me. This has been a truly scary experience, and I don’t know what to do or who to reach out for help. Thanks for your attention.

Prayer Request by - Prema
Location - Vizag, India
Prayer Request - I am in deep debts and suffering with depression. Please pray for me to get rid of all my debts.

Prayer Request by - Martin White
Location - Canberra, Australia
Prayer Request - I pray for an instant miracle. I have been struggling and had upset and downs for 14 years due to taking a wrong path in life that ruined everything. It has majorly affected my health my personal life and everything in between. I want to go back to 2010 to fix mistakes in my past that ruined everything. I am currently slowly dying and need an instant miracle to fix my life. Please help me.

Prayer Request by - Andrew Pick
Location - United States
Prayer Request - To concentrate and focus better. Also, strength and stamina.

Prayer Request by - William
Location - Texas
Prayer Request - I would love it if my wife would move to Texas with me. For my finances to keep going well.

Prayer Request by - Gabriel
Location - Atlanta, Georgia
Prayer Request - Please pray for me to keep all of God’s commandments.

Prayer Request by - Janet Gichia
Location - Kenya
Prayer Request - Pray for me, I don’t know what to do with my life. No income, no skill, and no friends. Remember me in your prayers.

Prayer Request by - Sally
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for salvation for my husband Felix, deliverance from alcohol and drugs. LORD, restore my marriage and remove his stony heart, so he’d not neglect the marriage. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Aaron
Location - Toronto
Prayer Request - Lord, please hear our prayer and heal this situation in Jesus Name. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Chris
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for God to restore my marriage soon.

Prayer Request by - Alwyn
Location - India
Prayer Request - Please pray for Larissa who is 6 years old. She’s having a chronic cough and is repeating again and again. She’s having her exams starting tomorrow, please pray that she’s fine soon.

Prayer Request by - Martin
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I want to have the desire, time, and form the habit of reading. I am hungry to be reading and knowing. People make fun of me because I stutter and can’t express myself. I want to change my life, because I was a neurotic and crazy person. This request is so that when I read and acquire wisdom and intelligence, I do not become crazy or possessed, because according to what they say that happens. The prayers that are for 5 months.

Prayer Request by - Mary
Location - Florida
Prayer Request - Please pray that my medical test comes out good tomorrow.

Prayer Request by - Hyland
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please stand in agreement with me that I get the job at Advanced Auto Parts.

Prayer Request by - Derrick
Location - Kentucky
Prayer Request - I’m in need of a financial blessing. I’m so low on money. I owe a lot in debt and bills. Work has been slow. Trying to provide for my family and make ends meet is so overwhelming. Please pray for a financial blessing to help me get ahead and to remove my debt I owe. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Stephe & Sopie
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Avery Archer Esq. Is my attorney for a fall where he is representing me. May he get full payment out for the pain I suffered and that he would pursue civil action on a civil rights case where I was wrongly convicted and he expressed interest representing me in my first conversation. May he come to know Jesus in this case and we will be victorious in both case.

Prayer Request by - Harper
Location - Texas
Prayer Request - Thank you, Jesus, for liberating my entire family from every adversary, known and unknown and dispersing them far and wide. We are grateful to our mighty God, under whose watch no weapon aimed at us shall prevail. We are shielded purified by the blood of Jesus. We also trust that God will reunite our family, stronger than ever, right in front of those who sought to tear us apart.

Prayer Request by - Vishnu Vardhan
Location - India
Prayer Request - Please pray for my brother. He is now being accused in a false case.

Prayer Request by - Olga M
Location - Bahrain
Prayer Request - Please pray for my recovery from physical weakness and severe back pain and be able to feed and take care of my one month old baby. Overcome financial problems and my husband to get a better job. Get over feelings of loneliness, sadness, and depression.

Prayer Request by - Jeff
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I need a miracle breakthrough.

Prayer Request by - Carlencia
Location - Florida
Prayer Request - I’m so so so sick!! I’m going through demonic oppression and spiritual attacks. I need deliverance and freedom from Haitian voodoo and freedom from oppression and evil spirits and forces. Also, pray for my protection in this evil world. I have people who hate me and want to kill me.

Prayer Request by - Jim
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please be praying for my marriage. For us to overcome the enemy. For us to fulfill all of God’s plans.

Prayer Request by - Kasulu
Location - India
Prayer Request - Please kindly pray for my mother Roshamma who is suffering with health problems, diabetes, lung infection, breathing problems, vomiting, and motions. Please kindly pray my mother be healed from health problems and please pray for an answer from God. Please kindly pray, asked in Jesus name. Amen Amen, Amen 🙏🙏🙏.

Prayer Request by - Kalen Lakra
Location - Simdega, Jharkhand, India
Prayer Request - Pray for Kalen Lakra, from Simdega, Jharkhand, India. She is suffering from a liver problem, coughing problem, and the doctor says she might have multiple organ failure. Pray that she will be healed soon in Jesus Might name. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Christine Fernandes
Location - India
Prayer Request - Please pray for my dad Bismark (who is suffering from stomach cancer) to be healed miraculously from God and for Restoration of Good Health.

Prayer Request by - Peggy
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Kyle, Ashley, Lucas 5, Cassie 4, and Dakota 10 months are very sick. Dakota is the worst. Please pray also for their finances. Ashley and Kyle’s marriage also.

Prayer Request by - Sheri
Location - Kerrville, Texas
Prayer Request - Please, Jesus help me lose 50 lbs. and lower my blood pressure.

Prayer Request by - Sharon Hadn
Location - United States
Prayer Request - My brother had a stroke. His name is Eddie Marley and my daughter Amy needs prayer. I know Jesus said if two agree it will be done of our Father in heaven. Thanks for agreeing with me for my family.

Prayer Request by - Philip
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Prayer please, for healing after fainting, hitting a metal wall with my head, and sustaining a grade 2 concussion, head laceration, and damaged ribs. I am caregiver for my elderly mother so I must be in good physical condition to help her as needed. Thank you and God bless your ministry.

Prayer Request by - Andrew
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Healing for bipolar disorder depression, fatigue, sorrow in heart, God to uplift my spirit, give me spiritual happiness, and have prosperous days.

Prayer Request by - Lanet
Location - Kenya
Prayer Request - Pray for me to know which career path to follow. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Siddhartha Bordoloi
Location - Assam, India
Prayer Request - My mother Rina Bordoloi (in Assam, India) is a diabetes patient. Being diabetic, she has been having a few complications like knee pain, leg pain, tiredness, not feeling well both physically and mentally, etc. May I most humbly request you to pray for her total healing?

Prayer Request by - Vishnu Vardhan
Location - India
Prayer Request - Please pray for my wife and daughter to come back to me. Some obstacles are happening daily in my family.

Prayer Request by - Joy
Location - United States
Prayer Request - My legs have been hurting for about a month now and I was in perfect running shape before, but now I am in horrible pain that bring me to tears when I run. The doctor has no clue to what caused it or how to fix it. Praying for healing and for pain free running. And I have a track race coming up.

Prayer Request by - Idhyarani
Location - India
Prayer Request - I underwent heart bypass surgery last month. 3 fingers not working on left side. Doing physiotherapy due to which my sugar gets low. Please do pray for my healing and recovery 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 fast. I’m dependent on the maid who I appointed. Only we both are in a separate house. Please do pray for my healing.

Prayer Request by - Sowmiya
Location - India
Prayer Request - I’m very much obese 88 kg, and I have an ovarian hemorrhagic cyst and irregular periods. Please do pray that all will get resolved, and the cyst disappear. Please do 🙏🏻 pray for me.

Prayer Request by - Sean Ginty
Location - Ireland
Prayer Request - Hi prayer warriors. My name is Sean Ginty. I am asking for prayer to find a job. I am unemployed at the moment and find it difficult to find a job. I pray in Jesus name that He will guide me towards the right job. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Vishnu Vardhan
Location - India
Prayer Request - Please pray for my wife and daughter to come back to me. Some obstacles are happening daily in my family.

Prayer Request by - James Harrod II
Location - Council Bluffs, Iowa
Prayer Request - Please pray for me to be completely freed from demonic possession.

Prayer Request by - Seth
Location - Portland
Prayer Request - I need prayer! It feels like poison arrows are lodged in my soul, and the spiritual/emotional pain is severe, and I can’t study. I’m behind, and I’m afraid I’ll fail my MA TESOL program. The context is that Jan 2021 to Dec 2022 I worked at a global Christian ministry. Towards the end of my time there, I publicly repented of some words I spoke privately about the president of the ministry that I needed to repent of. They did not forgive. Instead, they stirred panic, kicked me out, changed the locks and called the police. 

After that, they never thought my repentance was sufficient. Since then, I’ve tried repeatedly to repent extensively. Every time I send a new repentance video, I feel like there are poison spiritual arrows. I don’t know if this is true, but I keep feeling waves of hatred coming at me from the ministry the more I repent. Please pray that the Lord will teach me what I’m doing wrong for reconciliation, and how to repent adequately so they finally forgive me. Thanks.

Prayer Request by - Ashley W.
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray we get an acceptable offer on our home within the next few days. Pray the sell goes smoothly and that, wherever we land, our kids and my husband and I are happy and healthy. Pray for a genuine young man to come along and sweep our oldest off her feet. Pray he’s a man of God and gives her confidence back.

Prayer Request by - Mara
Location - ON (???)
Prayer Request - May you help me out praying to obtain a job. May God open one door. I am a Christian, living with my 84 year old mother. I have been actively looking for a job for two years now, and yes I am desperate. May your prayers help us get this job opportunity breakthrough.

Prayer Request by - Angela
Location - High Point (???)
Prayer Request - My husband David is in ICU. He had emergency surgery. Now his kidneys are not fully functioning.

Prayer Request by - Jeremy
Location - Pensacola, Florida
Prayer Request - I want my girlfriend Kimberly cured of her very terrible illness today and respond to my Hotmail and Gmail messages and to come on Hangouts chat right now and come on Google messages right now so I can talk to her.

Prayer Request by - Ankit Khakha
Location - India
Prayer Request - I am reaching out to you with a humble request. As someone who values the power of prayer, I am seeking your support in lifting up my intentions to the Lord. I am currently facing various challenges in my life, particularly in the areas of finances and spiritual guidance. I believe in the power of prayer to bring about positive change and provide me with the strength and clarity I need to overcome these obstacles.

Specifically, I am dealing with overdue loans, credit card bills, and financial burdens that have been weighing heavily on me. I am also seeking direction in my spiritual journey, and a deeper understanding of God’s will for my life. I kindly ask that you keep me in your prayers, asking the Lord to grant me wisdom, guidance, and relief from my financial struggles.

Additionally, I would appreciate your prayers for spiritual discernment and a closer walk with God. Your prayers would mean a great deal to me, and I am grateful for your willingness to intercede on my behalf.

Prayer Request by - Nicole
Location - Maryland
Prayer Request - May you please pray that what’s in the dark will come to light and that God will get the glory out of my life. May you also pray that the Lord deliver me out of a situation that I am currently in and restore my life. May you also pray that the Lord will show favor on all of my family members lives and help them in every aspect of their lives. Last, but not least, may you please pray that the Lord will give me another chance to make a difference in peoples’ lives by indwelling me with the Holy Spirit again. May you please plead my case on my behalf. I genuinely and earnestly need and want Jesus in sincerely. Thank you so much. May you please pray that the Lord will step into my situation. I lifted up a prayer that I should not have gotten involved with because it was too intense for me in earnest. I sincerely and desire the Lord with all of my heart in sincerely. May you please lift this up before the Lord on my behalf. Thank you. I earnestly and sincerely do appreciate it.

Prayer Request by - Shauna
Location - Jamaica
Prayer Request - Good morning, please I am asking for prayers for healing. I am having shortness of breath and also salpingitis and fever. Please, I am asking for prayers.

Prayer Request by - Demetri Tavlarides
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Help me and the world.

Prayer Request by - Jamye
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for me and Leroy to get married this year and raise our children in a godly home in Jacksonville, Florida and for me to get my driver’s license and a car soon.

Please pray for God’s will, blessings, and favor to be done in me, Leroy, our children, and our families’ lives right away and for all generational curses to be broken in each one of our lives.

Prayer Request by - Idhyarani
Location - India
Prayer Request - I had undergone heart ❤️ bypass surgery last month. 3 months I got to take rest for complete healing. Please do pray for the pain, not able to lie down and sleep. I need to get a good care taker, we are searching since I’m alone with a staff on call to attend. Please do pray 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.

Prayer Request by - Lalitha Priya
Location - India
Prayer Request - I’m married since 15 years no issues. So we had taken treatment for infertility due to which my uterus got infected having a cyst removed and till now I’m taking treatment for uterine infection. Please do pray I get to be healed completely. My brother fought with me yesterday, and he beat me. I’m 45 years, and my elder brother beats me. He is in good post, and I’m a dentist 🦷. I don’t know what is happening in my life. Please do pray for me 🙏🏻 to have peace and healing for me and my brother Vijay.

Prayer Request by - Hazel Carolyne
Location - India
Prayer Request - I’m writing board exam 10th. I’m working very hard but scoring only average marks, getting disappointed. Please do pray I get to score more than 90 % tomorrow 26/2/24: English paper. Please do pray 🙏🏻 for us.

Prayer Request by - Banu
Location - India
Prayer Request - I’m having skin lesions, redness and itching on my right side breast and severe pain radiates to right arm. Please do pray for healing of the body. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Sumitha Martin
Location - India
Prayer Request - Kindly pray for peace and miracles at workplace. I am a teacher in St Andrews school. From past 2 years a few new teachers - Judy Dsilva and Asha Rocha have joined our team. They are very dominating and gossiping always about others personal matters. I want these two to be removed from the workplace and experience freedom at work. Believing for the MIRACLE very soon. In Jesus Name.

Prayer Request by - Kim
Location - Plains (???)
Prayer Request - Please God, send me a good honest contractor who can remove my closet and do some work for me. I need them to be able to do the work now because I’m moving and I have to be out of this house very soon. In Jesus name.

Prayer Request by - Melissa
Location - Springfield, Illinois
Prayer Request - Mother is being tormented and during the day of the death of her mother. God, please free my mother, me, and family of this torment and the tormentors and give us the biggest victory and swiftly, without harm to us, Amen.

Prayer Request by - Angela
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray that my fiancé, Joel, will find a job and we will find a place to live so we can be married.

Prayer Request by - Tobias
Location - UK
Prayer Request - Please pray for Lee Tillotson, for the forgiveness of sins. For divine guidance. For spiritual protection. For healing of mind, body, and spirit. For his stubborn nature to be lessened. Plus the removal of all works of the enemy.

Prayer Request by - Danielle
Location - Canada
Prayer Request - Will you please pray for my father Gary? He was in a car accident that nearly killed him and his body is in constant pain. He walks for few minutes and can’t take it. I see the pain he is in and it kills me and breaks my heart. He broke his leg in 7 places and shattered his wrists, his whole body is a wreck. He was such a strong Dad, a hardworking construction worker who could do anything. He gets depressed and I worry his motivation and joy of life has left. He doesn’t seem to care about doing things that bring him joy. I want him to see beauty in everyday, do fun things that make him feel glad to be alive and be pain free, to live a joyful very long life filled with things to lift him up. A miracle please. All his friends have died recently. I try to think of fun stuff for us to do or with his girlfriend but he’s always in pain or maybe I can’t think of the right fun things. A miracle please. God bless you and everyone of your loved ones.

Prayer Request by - Max
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Brothers and sisters, I come before you and ask for your prayers in the name of our Heavenly Father that He may allow His great peace and clarity to settle over Max K who is so filled with worry and anxiety over his current academic pursuits. Grant his peace of mind, confidence, clarity, and wisdom as he moves forward. You know his heart and his sincere dedication and commitment, let not the fruits of his labor be barren but instead be fruitful and multiply. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Rayshawn Mcentee
Location - Jackson, Mississippi
Prayer Request - Heavenly Father, please help me and protect me always in Jesus name and help me with my finances as well I urgently need your help. Amen.

Prayer Request by - DJF
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for me to have peace and deliverance from Adam F who has constantly tried to manipulate, undermine, and use me for his own personal gain. Please pray that the Lord Jesus would relieve me from this. Thank you Lord Jesus for hearing our prayers. God bless you all!

Prayer Request by - Anet Sara Koshy
Location - Birmingham, UK
Prayer Request - I have been severely depressed since the man I loved left me with no explanation. It's been 4 months since it happened and I’m still just as depressed as I was when it was fresh. I get panic attacks , I can’t seem to take him off my socials and now my life and friendships are all on standstill. I want this man back as I think he and I are equally yoked but since he left, I have lost touch with everything.

Prayer Request by - Janice
Location - Singapore
Prayer Request - Please pray for healing of my marriage. My husband had agreed to go for marriage mentoring weeks back but now all hell broke loose and we are in a very strained situation now.

Prayer Request by - Sheri
Location - Kerrville, Texas
Prayer Request - Please Jesus continue to help me financially to pay my rent and transportation to work and church.

Prayer Request by - Anita
Location - Singapore
Prayer Request - Prayer for supernatural travelling breakthrough and open doors in this particular area, and for a smooth and restful process for me over the next few days from now till the day which is 24/25 February where I will be informing my dad regarding about this one day trip on March 2, 2024. I plead the bloodline of protection and declare that only positive words shall come out from his mouth and all shall be well. It shall be a favorable and memorable trip for me.

Prayer Request by - Tina Unger
Location - Canada
Prayer Request - Please pray for my husband John to be set from women, alcohol, and drugs. Please pray for my two sons Henry and Benny to be set free from drugs in alcohol. Please pray for my daughter Sarah to be set free from an abusive relationship and she would find a man that is after God’s own heart.

Prayer Request by - Savannah
Location - Las Vegas, Nevada
Prayer Request - I’m asking for prayer for my grandmother Sue. She survived breast cancer twice and now has a mass on her pancreas, kidneys, and possibly spreading throughout her body. She is a strong willed woman of God. I believe in the power of God and miracles. We are desperate. I appreciate your time. God Bless.

Prayer Request by - Jennifer
Location - United States
Prayer Request - The Lord says in 2 Thessalonians 3:3 - “But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.” Please be in agreement with me that he will protect my beloved Gene from all evil influences at his workplace that is filled with constant strife, retaliation, hostility, gossip, jealousy, and perversion.

Prayer Request by - Anthony
Location - Missouri
Prayer Request - My oldest brother Bob is in the hospital with serious heart trouble. We won’t know until tomorrow whether or not they’ll have to do open heart surgery. He’s 77 years old and a diabetic. Requesting prayer for healing and for strengthening of his faith.

Prayer Request by - Neville Dsilva
Location - India
Prayer Request - Kindly pray for good health and exemption from all examination duties in the forthcoming weeks.

Prayer Request by - Rosa
Location - New York
Prayer Request - My nephew Devin was diagnosed with non Hodgkin’s stage 4 cancer. Please pray for healing. 

Prayer Request by - Andrew
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Healing from fatigue, restore vitality.

Prayer Request by - Patsy
Location - California
Prayer Request - Please pray for me. I am angry with my husband. I’m looking back at 17 years of marriage. I am struggling not to walk away. I’m feeling unprotected and unloved. We are both Christian. I feel retched, undone, and wicked for even having these thoughts of separation. I’ve ignored this so long, hoping for a change. I need a miracle, the enemy has a stronghold in my house.

Prayer Request by - Mark P
Location - Great Britain
Prayer Request - Heavenly Father, I offer you all praise and worship in the name of Yeshua my redeemer. Bless me with Your wisdom and understanding of who I am in and through Yeshua, what I can be doing now and where I can be loved, appreciated and encouraged to grow.

Bless me with much joy, happiness, and courage to explore and grow. I ask that you will open up my life in every area, spiritually, personally, socially, and professionally. Find me a church where I will be accepted, loved, encouraged, and will grow in knowledge and understanding.

Expand my social and Christian network, so that I can grow and develop, give and receive love, support, encouragement, guidance, teaching, and fellowship. Flood me with many opportunities to sing and to speak to the widest range of people and places, where I can encourage, entertain and speak into people’s hearts and minds. Lord, hear my prayer, forgive me for my ignorance and misunderstanding of Your living Word and teach me Your ways. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Winnie
Location - Sydney, Australia
Prayer Request - My name is Winnie Lim, I live in Sydney Australia, and need prayer support for a job at Oracle ANZ. I had an interview with the hiring manager, April Huang, for the Java Account Manager ANZ role at Oracle on the 20th of February.

I am feeling nervous as I was a bit intimidated by the sales director, April Huang, with her many years of experience in the Oracle sales organization. I am worried that my experience is not impressive enough for her. Please pray for success and Holy Spirit guidance and favor and grace.

I have been watching YouTube for tips on how to do well in interviews, like practicing responding to questions such as ‘Tell me about yourself,’ ‘What do you know about this role,’ ‘What are your weaknesses and strengths,’ etc.

Dear God, please help me succeed in my job interview with Oracle for the Java Account Manager position. Grant me confidence and clarity as I present myself during the interview.

Also, please grant me a contract extension for my current job at Mandian.

Prayer Request by - Justin
Location - New York
Prayer Request - I humbly come before you with a prayer request that weighs heavily on my heart. I am struggling with intense depression, feeling overwhelmed by the challenges that life has presented me, particularly in the form of bankruptcy. The weight of financial difficulties has exacerbated my mental health struggles, leading me to a place of deep despair and hopelessness.

I am reaching out to ask for your prayers and support as I seek to have my bankruptcy file sealed. This legal step is not just about privacy but about reclaiming my sense of self, my happiness, and my hope for a brighter future. The sealing of this file would provide me with the space and protection I need to heal, to rebuild, and to rediscover the positive and happy person I know is within me.

I ask for your prayers for strength, courage, and guidance as I navigate this challenging journey. May the light of divine grace shine upon me, offering solace in my darkest moments,and guiding me towards a path of renewal.

Prayer Request by - William
Location - New Zealand
Prayer Request - General blessing. My cat just died. 

Prayer Request by - Kevin
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Hi. I am a new Christian, and I am very lonely now, and I have prepared myself to meet a wife. I am very strong in the Lord and I hope that she would be very strong in the Lord as well so that we can do His work together and be one.

Prayer Request by - Andrew
Location - United States
Prayer Request -Prayer for Andrew Pick. Healing weight loss. I’m obese, and it’s effecting my health. Also, God gives me motivation to exercise and enjoy exercise. Praise God. Also, God to bless me to do my jujitsu to give God glory for and God to bless it.

Prayer Request by - Frankie
Location - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Prayer Request - Shuraya Sharmin, Hasan Tareq, Nahida Islam Khan, Sharmin Parveen (Ehsan, SM Muraduzzam, Md. Anower Hussain, Begum Rokeya. To received Salvation and Water Baptism in Jesus Name. 

Prayer Request by - Blesedruejie
Location - London, England
Prayer Request - Every week pray for this please because our Christian children and innocent parents suffering because of corrupt UK social services and family court staff💔😪. Pray by the grace of God, God and His spirits:

1. Help the UK government abolish the UK Local Authority Social services quickly and makes independent family support center to help families and children, elderly and work with the police to safeguard vulnerable children.

2. Help all innocent parents to get their children back home fast. Help government and MP’s and C.E.O. open all children’s cases that are long term foster care and help the parents get their children back home. Lord, expose all staff who have lied against children and parents to harm them and Lord put intervention and bring children back to their parents care fast. God, help government implement laws every foster care child case to be reviewed every 2 months in family court and in council office to return the child back to parents care.

Prayer Request by - Steven
Location - Canada
Prayer Request - I am saved, no need to contact me just pray please. I suffer with worry and anxiety and paranoia, please pray the fear will stop, and I will be free from it and at peace and fearless and pray God will comfort all my fears and pray God will replace all my fears with his peace every day. Thank you so much for prayers.

Prayer Request by - Antonia Margetis
Location - Boynton Beach, Florida
Prayer Request - For God’s grace and mercy in my life. I am 77 years old and going through difficult family and work situations. Pray that God will give me strength to endure and make the right decisions. 

Prayer for my son George’s salvation who lives in the streets, in and out of prison.

For another son Steve, whom the adversary is fighting hard, to prevent him for going into the ministry. Pray for God’s guidance in his life. 

For an 87 year old cousin, Christine, who will be released from rehab. She needs home health care that insurance does not cover. Please pray that her house will be sold soon so I can find a house closer to me to help her with daily food and personal hygiene. She does not speak English, very difficult to communicate. 

For her nephew, George, who is here from Greece to help, to be able to stay in the States permanently to help her. Please pray that the authorities will grant an extension of his visa.

Prayer Request by - S Gall
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I love my job so much; it was my safe place. But my new boss is a terrible bully. I pray so hard she finds a new job ASAP (like within the next MONTH); otherwise, I’m going to have to leave for my own safety.

Prayer Request by - Malia Eyler
Location - Tulsa, Oklahoma
Prayer Request - Please pray for my cousins Brady and Court and Josh. Also, Matt and Mandy and Laura. They all need protection and healing and good lives with many blessings after much loss and sadness. Please pray that Stacey and Melissa will no longer be able to harm anyone anywhere and will be humbled constantly.

Prayer Request by - Helen H Cook
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray with me that my son-in-law and Sunday School teacher will have their pain eased, they live in pain every day, in Jesus Name.

Prayer Request by - John
Location - Tennessee
Prayer Request - I seek your prayers to restore my relationship, which ended after 5 years when my girlfriend left me for someone else. I ask you to pray to God to forgive each other for our wrongdoings and help us restore back together if it’s His will. I ask you to pray to God to show if it’s in His will that He restores us and if I have to wait for her. I ask the Lord to guide me through this difficult time and to forgive my wrong doings and lead me in his path.

Prayer Request by - Gerald
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for my 2 sons that they would receive salvation and that my oldest son would leave his homosexual relationship and break free from sex addiction and pornography.

Prayer Request by - Vickie
Location - Texas
Prayer Request - Please pray for financial favor. We are struggling to stay afloat. Our car insurance was canceled at midnight. I know He is our provider. But I’m struggling not to worry about this. Please also pray for my faith to be strengthened.

Prayer Request by - Anthony Roberts
Location - Tallahassee, Florida (Kerney Center)
Prayer Request - See Isaiah 1:19, Psalm 122:7, Hebrews 11:1, Matthew 17:20, Hebrews 11:6, Proverbs 10:22, 1 Timothy 6:10, Isaiah 44:3, Psalm 24:1, Job 41:1. Also, pray for Arie Cooke and family. Pray for my family as well and friends.

Prayer Request by - Sarah
Location - Washington
Prayer Request - My husband Nate is divorcing me because I had a beer and have had some in the past and lied about it. I regret what I did, and I am fixing the problem. I miss him and his two boys more than anything. We were a good family and had a great relationship. The divorce isn’t final yet and I need prayer for the chance to save our marriage and come home. I also need prayer that I can earn his trust and have a healthy happy relationship going forward. Please help as I know prayer by numbers is better. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Jennifer Spitzer
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray that I have energy, strength, protection, favor to do an excellent and amazing job with alertness. It’s not busy, and I can go to the store a few times. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Beth
Location - Chicago, Illinois
Prayer Request - Please pray our dear cat Snowy gets a very good report at her cardiology appointment tomorrow Feb. 15 and her heart not to have gotten any worse and there to be nothing wrong with her and we have assurance of it soon!

Prayer Request by - Tobias
Location - United Kingdom
Prayer Request - Please pray for healing and deliverance for my mother Denise with schizophrenia. She is a firm believer but has struggled with spirits / auditory hallucinations her entire life. Please send “Brian” and “The Messenger” and any others to the feet of Jesus. Let her also be healed in Jesus name. Disconnect her too from any psychics, soul-ties and other works of the devil.

Prayer Request by - Crystal Vines
Location - Washington DC
Prayer Request - Please pray for full time employment soon and sleep at night. I am not getting any interviews.

Prayer Request by - Shahana
Location - Kolkata, India
Prayer Request - Please pray for my Nuero Parkinson’s patient mother Kebira, admitted in hospital so that her memory and speech becomes normal and she can stand and walk on her own as nothing is impossible for our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Cindy Garcia
Location - United States
Prayer Request - For the restoration of my relationship. Cindy and Arnaldo. For any witchcraft or curse to be removed and that we remain forever protected and covered by God and joined on Holy matrimony.

Prayer Request by - Demetri Tavlarides
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please heal all of my immediate families’ body and soul.

Prayer Request by - Angela
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for my daughter Ceaira. She is in her 30’s and wants to be married with children. Please pray for God’s will to be done in her life and to grant her the desires of her heart. Pray for financial freedom to be granted to her and favor with both the Lord Jesus Christ and man. Pray for her to have wisdom, knowledge, and discernment in all areas of her life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Prayer Request by - Satya Jeet
Location - Prayagraj, India
Prayer Request - My two brothers are persecuting me, my mother, and my sister because of property and hate. We are living outside of city in fear because they used to fight and quarrel. They both are lawyers and politicians, and misusing the law. They both and their wives are Hindu and their people persecute us because we accepted Christ. We are sick and having finance problems and career problems and nobody is supporting us. We are tired.  No peace in our life. Need safety, deliverance, blessings, healing, and peace.

Prayer Request by - Tim
Location - Alabama
Prayer Request - Urgent financial miracle for pastor Tim, God’s wisdom favor.

Prayer Request by - Chantelle
Location - New Zealand
Prayer Request - Please pray for our family to receive good news this coming week regarding the sale of our property. We’ve been on the market since beginning September 2023. We really have to move. My husband’s work has dried up completely where we are at the moment. He is a contractor as well. Which makes it so much worse. We are a big family of six. So we are really battling to make ends meet. I can’t work due to a really nasty knee injury last year. I just heard on Friday last week that I need a partial knee replacement. I am in so much pain and can barely walk.

Prayer Request by - Cheryl
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for Tyler’s mental, physical, and spiritual health and for Justin to come back to the Lord. Pray for a hedge of protection around my family from illness, accidents, fires, and evil.

Prayer Request by - Stephanie
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I believe Rogelio and Jamie set me up to obtain all the new furniture and items I paid to restore the house. I wish for my life to be thriving and for Rogelio to have a revival and an awakening for his actions towards me. And that he comes to his senses to make things right. As for Jamie, I want her to go back to her husband Sam.

Prayer Request by - Jean
Location - California
Prayer Request - My husband is self-employed. He had a heart attack in November and hasn’t worked since. Pray for his work to return, for finances to come in, and that we don’t lose our home. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Thomas Posey
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I am a substance abuse counselor at a prison, and I am asking for wisdom to counsel and strength to make a difference in these men’s lives. Also, pray for protection and deliverance from evil for me and my family.

Prayer Request by - Bindu
Location - India
Prayer Request - Please pray for my beloved, he has developed serious health issues involving his heart and kidneys. Please pray that God’s blood cleanse him of all his illness and ensure perfect healing when he goes for a health checkup review in a month. If he does not recover he may be found unfit to work and forced to seek retirement within a year though he has another 3 plus years to work before retirement. Healing and holding onto his job is what I seek, possible only by divine intervention.

Prayer Request by - Mary Kathleen Abadilla
Location - Philippines
Prayer Request - I feel so anxious about my dog. His name is Zeus. His gums were pale and he has a history of blood parasite. I really want him to go to the vet but I don’t have enough money due to some bills payment we paid. Now we’re short. I feel like to cry “Lord I’m asking for financial provision healing for Zeus from blood parasite and platelets to be normal.” God bless to all. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers. I’m claiming it already in Jesus name, amen.

Prayer Request by - N Sowmiya
Location - India
Prayer Request - I’m Suffering from financial crises as a single parent raising my daughter of 14 years. Please do pray I get to pay her term fees pending and any loans to cleared up. Thank you, amen.

Prayer Request by - Michael Engram
Location - Phoenix, Arizona
Prayer Request - Prayer that my friend Jay contacts me again, who I haven’t heard from since November 2023. Prayers he comes back into my life soon, prayer for him to let me know he’s okay and he’s safe, prayers for us to cross paths again, and for him not to forget about me and to contact me on Kik messenger. Prayers for hailing of our friendship.

Prayer Request by - Olinda
Location - Mangalore, India
Prayer Request - Please pray for Jerald Clement Tauro. He is 44years old and had a sudden heart attack. He has blockage in his heart. His right side is paralyzed and he is not able to move or talk. He is admitted in a hospital.

Prayer Request by - Tobias
Location - UK
Prayer Request - Please pray for the Salvation and Healing of my friend Sri Kumar who is currently a tantric Guru living in India. He is reading his Bible and agreed to baptism. He just needs to move ahead with it. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Shiny Dethe
Location - India
Prayer Request - Kindly pray for me. I am under spiritual attack. I am having a lot of restlessness and anxiety. Unable to stay calm all day. Bursting out at times. I am praying and reading the Bible everyday. I need prayer assistance to fight this war. Nothing is working at the moment. I am very exhausted. Kindly uphold me in prayers. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Carlos
Location - Bermuda
Prayer Request - I pray that my wife will recover from being bedridden from a stroke and to put on weight. Also, to have enough money to replace old plumbing pipes in my daughter’s bathroom and have enough money to pay our regular bills as well.

Prayer Request by - UK residents
Location - UK
Prayer Request - Abba, please call UK to prayer. Raise up the man(woman) to stand in the gap on behalf of the land (Ezekiel 22:30) like Wesley, Evan Robert, Smith Wigglesworth, John Laing. Awaken them Father to be led by the Holy Spirit. If UK needs help from other places, please let this prayer be a Macedonian call to give vision in those who will come. Coat them in prayer to produce the turn around. Lord, give us people who will not break rank but push through. Lord in mercy forgive us and help us.

Prayer Request by - Gerald
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for the salvation of my 2 sons, one is in a homosexual relationship and doesn’t want a relationship with me or his mother.

Prayer Request by - Mary Loney
Location - United States
Prayer Request - I have a friend who’s been diagnosed with cancer. He goes for pet scan results tomorrow. Please pray the God will heal him. Also, my brother needs prayers his kidneys are failing.

Prayer Request by - Yubraj Paija Pun
Location - Melbourne, Australia
Prayer Request - Please pray for my asylum seeker case in Australia. I am genuine, Lord. At the moment my protection visa is in Federal circuit court case. I want Father God to intervene on my situation in Jesus name. I am suffering from Diabetes 2, high blood pressure, and chronic disease. Please have mercy on me. Keep me in prayer, in Jesus Name Amen.

Prayer Request by - Brandi
Location - Bakersfield, California
Prayer Request - Pray that my husband Mitch’s colonoscopy confirms his excellent health and that he is healthy. Pray there is no more colon wall thickness and all issues have resolved completely, immediately, and permanently by the Blood of Jesus. I plead the Blood of Jesus over Mitch and his descending, sigmoid and entire colon. I plead the Blood of Jesus over my family and I. I cover us in the Blood of Jesus, I cover Mitch in the Blood of Jesus, I cover Mitch’s entire colon and body in the Blood of Jesus, I decree my Authority over Mitch’s colon, given to me by Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit , and I command all sickness, cancer, disease, thickness to be immediately and permanently evicted from his colon and body by Holy Spirit fire in Jesus mighty name, and evicted from me and my whole family, and loved ones now in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen and Hallelujah!!!

Prayer Request by - Janne
Location - Suomi (Finland)
Prayer Request - Pray for Jenni and Jani healing from depression and tiredness. Strength for them to follow and serve God. Strength to study the Bible and pray everyday. Protection.

Prayer Request by - Jessica
Location - Jacksonville, Florida
Prayer Request - Please pray for my work place Bentley Green apartments, the residents that live there. My coworkers and boss. Please pray the Lord finds and sends us His people, we need good Godly residents and we are in need of two office staff members. Please pray for my husband and his health, my daughters, and their mental health.

Prayer Request by - S V Deepak Kumar
Location - Hyderabad, India
Prayer Request - Praise the Lord. My name is S V Deepak Kumar. Iam from Hyderabad, India. Please pray for me. I am in deep financial problems. Unable to get out of it. Please remember me in your prayers. Ask God to forgive me and bless me. Because of my financial problems, I am unable to attend my job properly, neglecting my family, please, please pray for me. S V Deepak Kumar- self, Mary Celeste- wife, Alen Ebenezer -elder son, Suhas – younger son. Please remember us in your prayers.

Prayer Request by - Markus
Location - Suomi (Finland)
Prayer Request - Pray for me for healing from tiredness. Endurance to survive tests and trials. Growth in my faith and obedience. Finances.

Prayer Request by - Yoshika
Location - Washington, DC
Prayer Request - Please pray for my husband Satova. Pray our infancy and romance for each other will rekindle and be stronger than ever before.

Prayer Request by - Lana
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for my family, I’m in a situation where only God can help, in need of His miracle. 🙏

Prayer Request by - Robert Heath
Location - Ashland
Prayer Request - Wyatt to be healed and well.

Prayer Request by - Andrew and Nicole
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Long life and good health and peace and happiness in our marriage.

Prayer Request by - Brad
Location - Wisconsin
Prayer Request - Please pray for Thomas Westbrook. He is an atheist who use to be a pastor. I do not know him personally but I have watched some of his videos on YouTube and yesterday I reached out to him to tell him my story of a faith healing I received 15 years ago. I don’t know if he will believe me or not since he seems to think all of it is fake now but I felt like I should say something to him since one of his videos dealt with a kind of faith healing I personally received from the Lord. I hope this was the right thing to do because the man is a staunch atheist now but who knows, maybe through my effort and people praying for him he can return to the Lord. Hopefully his family hasn’t given up on him either and still prays for him. Please be sure to keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Rachel
Location - Auckland, New Zealand
Prayer Request - The Morris family still attack my family and I spiritually through witchcraft. I pray over my family but would for prayers over my home. The Morris family is attacking me right now pervertedly. Pray for God to hold them accountable, and rebuke their predatory behavior it’s so evil and ungodly. Please pray they be blocked from ever doing evil in the future. Please stop them from being perverted.

Prayer Request by - Adaora
Location - Boston, Massachusetts
Prayer Request - Dear Heavenly Father, we gather in prayer, seeking justice for the tragic loss of our beloved nephew. In the name of Jesus, we beseech you to unveil the truth, expose any coverups, give people the protection and courage to speak up. In Jesus name expose and cleanse the justice system of corruption. May justice prevail, bringing peace to our hearts. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Joy
Location - United States
Prayer Request

Thank you so much for your prayers. God Bless!

Prayer Request by - Rosa
Location - New York
Prayer Request - Heavenly Father, we fervently pray for Your intervention in my brother’s life. Deliver him from the bondage of addiction and restore his relationship with his children filling everyone’s heart with love and forgiveness. Giving him the strength to leave this former life behind forever. May Your grace and healing power guide him towards a new, free and loving life. In Jesus’ name, we ask for this miracle. Amen.

Prayer Request by - James
Location - Uxbridge
Prayer Request - Lord, we pray for your grace and guidance in setting up UK projects within churches and Christian ministries and in the Christian communities to support parents dealing with social services. May these projects provide the necessary resources, legal and practice help, guidance, and advocacy to protect families and children.

We trust in your power, Lord Jesus, to bring about justice, healing, and restoration in these situations. May your will be done, and may your name be glorified. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Scripture References:

Prayer Request by - Yvette
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for me and my sons. God knows my heart. Please pray for us.

Prayer Request by - Lana
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for my family, I’m in a situation where only God can help, in need of His miracle 🙏.

Prayer Request by - Vincent Raj
Location - India
Prayer Request - My son john Francies is completed MBA but no job. He is preparing for S.I. Exam. Should get good marks in it and please pray for him to get S.I job.

Prayer Request by - Kristi
Location - Chicago, Illinois
Prayer Request - I’m a new nurse entering a new position at a hospital in Chicago. Would you pray that the Lord grants me humility, wisdom, compassion, insight, strength, and understanding so I may have the grace to provide excellent care and succeed at my role.

Prayer Request by - Anonymous
Location - USA
Prayer Request - I’m sick, very sick and scared. Please pray for a diagnosis that is not serious.

Prayer Request by - Anonymous
Location - Arizona
Prayer Request - Please pray R lets God back into his life. He was a Christian but now says he is atheist. Also please pray for his finances.

Prayer Request by - Tonya Henderson
Location - Memphis, Tennessee
Prayer Request - Praying for the VA loan to get approved, needs a miracle. Amen. 🙏 🙌

Prayer Request by - Yoshiko
Location - Chicago, Illinois
Prayer Request - Pray that Ivan and Satova will end things and go their separate ways, Ivan has a bad influence trying to buy Satova and keeps him from me as if I’m the bad person. Please pray Satova wakes up from Ivan and get back to normal the way it was between myself and him. Ivan has corrupted our acquaintance.

Prayer Request by - Anthony
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for me, I miss some people.

Prayer Request by - Delores Robinson
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Financial request that is very urgent.

Prayer Request by - Nicole
Location - Maryland
Prayer Request - May you pray that the Lord will reveal what’s in the dark. May you please pray that the Lord will reveal the truth in the situation that I am currently going through. May you please pray that the Lord will intervene in this situation. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Margaret Perez
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for my husband and I to have our first baby together. We are having difficulty getting pregnant.

Prayer Request by - Gabrielle
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Our mom is in ICU with sepsis. Please pray God reverses the sepsis and organ failure. I don’t know what to say to my little brother. We don't have any other family, but our mom not even Grandparents. The hospital is so full they are only giving my mom 24 hours for significant signs of improvement or they will disconnect her from life support. Please help pray for our mom.

Prayer Request by - Robert Heath
Location - Ashland
Prayer Request - Wyatt, also me for special healing.

Prayer Request by - Julie
Location - Illinois
Prayer Request - Asking for prayer for God's powerful healing and strength to help my mom, sister, and I through the difficult hardships. Thank you so much for praying for us.

Prayer Request by - Janne
Location - Suomi (Finland)
Prayer Request - Pray for Jenni and Jani for healing from depression and tiredness. Strength for them to follow and serve God. Strength to study the Bible and pray everyday. Protection.

Prayer Request by - Jessica
Location - Jacksonville, Florida
Prayer Request - Please pray for my work place Bentley Green Apartments, the residents that live there. My coworkers and boss. Please pray the Lord finds and sends us his people, we need good Godly residents and we are in need of two office staff members. Please pray for my husband and his health, my daughters, and their mental health.

Prayer Request by - Claire Derham
Location - Australia
Prayer Request - I have recently been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I can’t hold food down now. Which is very dangerous for type 1!!!

Prayer Request by - Danielle
Location - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Prayer Request - Blessings to you for your prayers. My husband Herbert, we found out today he has cancer cells in his bladder, he’s had infection after inflection in his body, recently his prostate is inflamed he’s still using the bathroom in his pants often. It is one thing after another. I found love late in my life and I’m so scared of 
losing him. We’ve only had a few years together. It’s impossible to find a doctor in Vancouver. We have only a nurse practitioner. She made some big mistakes. Please pray for Herbert. I’m so scared and I know he is too. I’m Danielle.

Prayer Request by - Noel Dsouza
Location - India
Prayer Request - Dear friends, please pray for me for a special intention. My heart is becoming very weak day by day, and I cannot stand for long or walk for long. Getting shortness of breath. My heart pumping is 26%. I need a miracle besides the medication, prayers, and Faith I have in my Lord Jesus and the Almighty God. Please say a special prayer for me, for my heart muscles to become stronger to pump blood normally, and my low blood pressure to increase as required and the Lord give me a new heart. God bless you all.

Prayer Request by - Tori
Location - North Carolina
Prayer Request - Please pray for my husband. Unfairness and favoritism towards him and the workers are going on with his family, especially his dad and we need God’s deliverance/mercy. Thank you! - Tori

Prayer Request by - Sneha
Location - Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Prayer Request - I am married to Jaya Prakash N, now we have been separated due to some third party involvement. Please pray so that my husband Jaya Prakash N should start contacting me and he should message me as soon as possible. Please pray so that my husband should not leave me and go any where he should stay only in Bangalore.

Prayer Request by - Nicole
Location - Baltimore
Prayer Request - May you please pray that the Lord will intervene in every aspect of the situation that I am dealing with right now. May you please pray that the Lord gets involved. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Jesenia
Location - Laurel, Maryland
Prayer Request - I want to find my purpose in God’s plan and lead people to God without fear or shame or misunderstanding. I don’t want to be a tripping stone to anyone, but instead be a light to them that leads them to Jesus. Please pray for me. I have wanted to know my purpose in life since I was a young child because I felt so out of place and as if I made a deal with God that there was something I was here for that was more than just suffering. However, I’m not getting closer to my purpose, or it doesn’t feel like it. I’m frustrated. I feel lost and overwhelmed by the sense of lacking. Thank you!

Prayer Request by - Bobby
Location - Oklahoma
Prayer Request - Will you please help me pray that my reproach is removed. Thank you for all help.

Prayer Request by - Julie Andrei R. Gellecanao
Location - Philippines
Prayer Request - Please bring peace to my relationship with my partner. Let us come back together as a couple who is mature, understanding, validating of each other’s feelings and thoughts, respectful, stronger, happier, peaceful, healthier, and committed to a long-lasting and sweeter relationship. Please fix the problem as soon as possible so that we can restore our harmony and be okay, and happy again.

Bless me and my partner, so that we may never surrender to whatever challenges that come our way. Fill our hearts with love for each other, and may You make each one of us realize each other’s worth. Please touch the heart of my partner. Fill it with much love for me.

Make our complicated relationship become uncomplicated. I seek for Your mercy and blessing that You may allow us to spend the rest of our lives with each other. Please make this feeling mutual for both of us. Lead us not into temptations. Guide us wherever we go. Always put us in each other’s heart and mind. In Jesus Name, Amen!

Prayer Request by - Rebecca
Location - Illinois
Prayer Request - Please pray for my husband to seek the Lord after his affair. That he can be happy and in love with me once again. That he will make our marriage his top priority. We have five children. They need their father. Please pray that Satan releases his hold on him. Pray that his councilor can help him. That he can cut his soul ties with other woman. Please pray that my husband will stop drinking and release his overwhelming guilt. That he will continue to live with us and repair our marriage. We love him. We love the Lord. We feel Satan is attacking our family.

Prayer Request by - Prathima
Location - Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Prayer Request - Praise the lord. My husband’s name is David Praveen Kumar. He is also Christian and studied in Bible clg but not cleared full. He addicted for something like smoke drug, already he spend a lot time in hospital for 4 operations for different treatments, and my mother in law send him to rehabilitation center before our marriage, our marriage is love come arrange marriage, he as a good heart and caring everyone so I liked him a lot. I am Hindu and he is a Christian but I am also prayed daily. I love Jesus. Nowadays, he is 2nd time addicted to smoke drug. Please pray for me and my husband. I can’t live without him. I can’t tell anyone about this. I can’t see him like this. Please understand me and I beg you to pray for me. I want my husband back. My age is 26, my husband’s age is 28. Our marriage life is only 1 year 7 months. Please sir, pray for my husband🙏🙏🙏 I don’t know what to do without prayer.

Prayer Request by - John
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Pray that addiction and prolonged use of a certain class of medications, called benzodiazepines, goes away. It’s a living nightmare to get off them and pray I’m free from mental illness that impairs me deeply. Pray for all of earth. Something is not right, but maybe that’s the illness talking. Sigh 😔

Prayer Request by - Kartic
Location - India
Prayer Request - This is Kartic from India. 40 years old. Having heart issue symptoms. Going to a cardiologist in sometime. Please pray for me. I’m not even married yet. 🙏

Prayer Request by - A and C
Location - California
Prayer Request - In Jesus I pray that A and C behave well in public and start presenting themselves as mature Christians and adults. I pray A is delivered from anxiety, intrusive thoughts, rage, false beliefs of herself and others, and is also delivered from fear of rejection, fear in general, and every evil, and I pray A is given self-control, faith, joy, comfort in herself and in her surroundings. I pray A is given understanding and wisdom and that kindness and gentleness is written on her heart, in Jesus Name.

 I pray C is delivered from fear, sadness, lying, cheating, trauma, and is given truth, leadership qualities, gentleness, mercy, faith, loyalty, happiness, in Jesus Name. I pray they are healthy and protected and full of Holy Spirit fruit, no weapon formed against us shall prosper, deliver us from evil, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen, and Hallelujah!

Prayer Request by - Jasbir Singh
Location - Punjab, India
Prayer Request - Please pray my father’s cancer problems. God help my father health problems.

Please pray for my son Harsangrop Singh. Canada police cso training. God help my son and other candidates training time.

Please pray for my job work place problems. God help for new week job work place.

Prayer Request by - Suzanne Torres
Location - Weymouth, Massachusetts
Prayer Request - Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don’t pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Prasanna Kumar
Location - India
Prayer Request - Praise the Lord, please pray for my wife Indra. God should deliver her and heal her from sickness and pray for my kids Paul and Elsheeba. 🙏🙏

Prayer Request by - AJC
Location - United Kingdom
Prayer Request - I have an upcoming medical examination for a pending visa, as well as an actual visa interview. This visa has been in process for a couple of years now and I am so nervous and want to get approved. Please pray that both my medical and visa interview go well and get approved, in Jesus name. Amen and thank you.

Prayer Request by - Wayne
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Pray that God would destroy the power of Witchcraft spells and curses that is directed against me by my enemies. Pray that the investigator will find out who stole my Gold coin so that justice will prevail on my behalf. Thanks!

Prayer Request by - Lare
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Dear family. Chronic abdominal pain and migraines. The pain is crushing me. Help please Jesus help me. Jesus I can not hear you. What is wrong with me?

Prayer Request by - Monica
Location - Pune, Maharashtra, India
Prayer Request - Please pray that I should come out of my difficult phase of my life, suffering and pain. My enemies are behind me to destroy me, behind my job and my kid. Harassing me. Lord Jesus show me a way out. Take charge of Kevin and his family.

Prayer Request by - Noel Dsouza
Location - India
Prayer Request - My wife Maryann Dsouza left me on 2nd January 2023 after argument with her and her Children of her first marriage. I am a Heart patient and 66 years old, but she abandoned me after 28 years of married life with no contact. I drank alcohol for 20 days due to depression and was in hospital for organ damages. I was bed ridden and suffering from Acute Pancreatitis, Gall bladder, Stomach pain, Liver, Kidney, Hair loss, Electrolytes, Vocal Chord, and mainly HEART damages. I lost 20 kg of weight. The treatment prayers and diet is still on and prayers and faith in Lord Almighty and Lord Jesus have worked miracles.

 *I would like to give my Testimony that I can walk now, and my last SCAN showed that my pancreas, gall bladder sludge and bile blockage is healed. Blood reports show, healing of my Liver, Kidneys, Hair loss, Blood count, and Electrolyte damages are healed by God’s grace and a Miracle. Praise the Lord Jesus.*

BUT I request a fervent prayer.

Prayer Request by - Margaret Perez
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray for my husband and I to have our first baby together. We are having difficulty getting pregnant.

Prayer Request by - Daniela
Location - Missouri
Prayer Request - Prayer to find my next serious boyfriend this year. Prayer any ungodly soul ties be broken in Jesus Name. Prayer God brings a loving man in my life and I know where to look.

Prayer Request by - Andrew and Nicole
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Protection from Justine causing us harm spiritual. All she is doing harming us. Pray that God blocks her permanently and restore the damage she caused. Vengeance is God’s. Have God judge her.

Prayer Request by - Jasmine
Location - Georgia
Prayer Request - Please help me find financial relief for myself, my husband, and our 5 children. I pray that we can get out of our financial hardship quickly and never fall back into this situation. We are struggling and we are afraid that we won’t be able to survive and have our credit scores affected from not paying on our credit cards. God please help us and help silence my mind from anxiety and fear.

Prayer Request by - Vikram
Location - Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Prayer Request - Please pray for my healing. I’m suffering from kidney problems and high BP.

Prayer Request by - Andrew
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Good physical shape and motivation strength. Energy to exercise and praise God. Also long life in good health and remove spirit of laziness and slothfulness. Also God to show me I’m saved.

Prayer Request by - Benjamin Gregory Mansell
Location - Forrestfield, Western Australia
Prayer Request - I pray that my heart is saved by Jesus. I give myself to Jesus, Lord please save from rotten sin and the devil’s schemes. Amen .

Prayer Request by - Anil
Location - Malaysia
Prayer Request - Deliverance from debts to be crushed (soonest) under the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ and from this day onwards worries turn into joy, peace, laughter and family rejoices with good health and business sales increase as we know, Nothing is impossible with Our God.

Prayer Request by - Ali
Location - USA
Prayer Request - Please pray for my son he has court.

Prayer Request by - Kate
Location - ???
Prayer Request - My mum needs help with her car. Please help us. We need to deal with the insurer. I need money, a job, and a place to live. My mom wants to kill me and cut me out of her will. I have nowhere to go. I’m really sick and can’t get up and get going with the day. My mum and sister are really sick also. We have a lot of jobs to do. Thankyou.

Prayer Request by - Tan Popatas
Location - Thailand
Prayer Request - Dear God, please solve these spiritual problems for me. Please forgive all my sins. Please deliver me from torturers and doers. In Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer Request by - Luis
Location - USA
Prayer Request - please pray for my sister Yadira, she is dying. She is very sick and in lots of pain. Please pray for a miracle that she gets well and her pain goes away. Thank you all.

Prayer Request by - Lavina
Location - India
Prayer Request - Praise the Lord. I Lavina ask you to pray over me to make me strong mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Help me to overcome my fear, doubts, loneliness, stress, depression, worries, and fully trust in God’s plan and purpose for my life. I ask you all to pray over my relationship with Marshal. Make us imperfectly perfect for each other. Help us to be strong and make our relationship stronger. Lord Jesus you be our center of our relationship. Help us to understand, guide, love, care, respect, protect, be honest and loyal. Pray fully to each other. Make our career. I surrender all our future plans to you Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus, as I and Marshal are planning to settle in UK, help in this process. Give us good opportunity for work, stay, and life so that we can help other family members of ours to take over there. Lord Jesus, I surrender our future in your almighty hands. Make me and marshal physically fit, heal my PCOS. I ask You in Your almighty name Amen.

Prayer Request by - Johnna
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Please pray I don’t catch the flu that’s going around my household. I have to take care of my children.

Prayer Request by - Angela
Location - North Carolina
Prayer Request - Please pray for my daughter. She has diabetes. She is sick with a sinus, ear, stomach flu, and upper respiratory infection as well. She needs a miracle touch from God. I have another daughter with an abscessed tooth.

Prayer Request by - Andrew and Nicole
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Deliverance from oppression from the devil and evil spirits. Pray God to protect us from unbelievers who practice witchcraft and casting spells on us. God to cast out any evil spirits that follow and torment us. Praise God.

Prayer Request by - Dominique
Location - Texas
Prayer Request - Pray my husband’s income will be restored so that we can pay our bills on time.

Prayer Request by - Leo Sourisseau
Location - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Prayer Request - Prayer For the Second Coming of Jesus - I pray that Jesus Christ returns to Earth soon, to bring the eternal love and peace of the Kingdom of God to all who believe in Him, and for every knee to bow to Him, and for every tongue to confess that Jesus is Lord at His return. Amen.

Dear everyone, please pray for this prayer request above, and please share it with everyone, everywhere! Until it comes true, and Jesus returns to save His people - which hopefully, by then, will include all the people of the world! Thank You! God bless you!

Prayer Request by - Sarah Phan
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Hi, my husband and I have been infertile for ten years. In March we have the opportunity to do ivf to have a baby. We need a miracle, please pray for us.

Prayer Request by - Viola Cleo Bradshaw
Location - Kingston
Prayer Request - I’d like prayer because: Prayers are requested for healing Viola Cleo Bradshaw. Healing needs include: depression, sleep disorder, insomnia, I can’t fall asleep due to hearing voices in my space of awareness, and for a broken nose, needs peace, and brain stem healing, and lift up Alan Bruce Bradshaw and Cordelia Vogel, heal their minds, heart trouble and family tree. Include in the pastor’s daily prayers and on your prayer chain and list for 6 months.

Prayer Request by - Patrick S.
Location - United States
Prayer Request - Pray for my ex-girlfriend, Sharon, that the LORD will touch her spirit and she will want a beautiful Christian life with me. That God will open her eyes, making her realize that her grand sons are disrespectful and unappreciative of her. She also draws closer to the LORD, and if anything evil in her home and life leaves through the power of Jesus Christ. Patrick and Sharon in Virginia

Prayer Request by - Martin
Location - San Antonio, Texas
Prayer Request - My name is Martin Rodriguez. I am 34 years old. I need new veins in my neck and in my stomach. I need a new liver and I need to stop drinking. Please pray for me, thank you!

Prayer Request by - Harpreet Singh
Location - United Kingdom
Prayer Request - Please pray for my marriage restoration with my wife Heather. I love my wife Heather a lot and strongly believe in Godly Marriage Covenant. Please pray so my wife Heather’s mind and heart softens so she agrees to reconcile marriage. Please pray and help. Thank you.

Prayer Request by - Smitha
Location - India
Prayer Request - Praise the Lord Pastor, greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. Request your kind prayers for Mr. Caetano D’Souza from Karwar who is suffering from inner thigh cancer. He has undergone 39 kemo, still his will power was very strong. However, due to force extraction of blood from the lump and unbearable pain, he has lost all hopes. Kindly please pray so that he can be cured in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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