Donate with Workplace Payroll Deductions

Donate through workplace payroll deduction.

Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. relies on your gifts and prayers. Your workplace pledges and contributions will help share God’s Word with those who are living in deep spiritual darkness. You will also help to reduce crime by redirecting the paths of those to be released from the ways of their criminal past to the straight and narrow (Matt. 7:13-14) leading to Christ.

If you are a federal, state, or corporate employee, you may be able to pledge or donate to Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. by payroll deduction during the Autumn when charitable campaigns are taking place. For the year of 2020, 94.9% of every dollar went to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to prisons and correctional facilities nationwide. Please help us with your prayers and your financial support. 

Combined Federal Campaign

Combined Federal Campaign

During the months of September through December, all Federal Employees are asked to contribute to charities listed in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) brochure. Charities mentioned in the brochure have to meet the strict criteria of the U. S. Office of Personnel Management (or referred to as OPM), otherwise they are denied participation in the annual CFC fundraising campaign.

Payroll deduction allows employees to give to the charities they like and want to support by deducting a predetermined amount (that the employee decides on) from their pay bi-weekly. The employee also has the option to give a one time gift to their favorite non-profit listed in the brochure.

Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. is listed with CFC #11463.

 State Employee Fund Drives

During the Autumn, all State Employees are asked to contribute to charities listed in the brochures handed out. Charities mentioned in the brochure have to meet the strict criteria of the state government, otherwise they are denied participation in the annual state fundraising campaign.

The following are the states we are allowed to participate in and our listing numbers. You will find us under the Federation “America’s Best Charities.”


California State Employees Giving At Work Campaign

We are listed with #12815 in the CA State Employees Giving At Work Campaign.


Maryland Charity Campaign for State Employees and Retirees

Our listing is MCC Code/EIN #112999652 in the Maryland Charity Campaign.


Michigan State Employees Combined Campaign

Our listing is SECC #6699 in the MI State Employees Combined Campaign.


New Jersey Employees Charitable Campaign

Our listing is ECC #3562 in the New Jersey Employees Charitable Campaign.


Connecticut State Employees Campaign

We are listed with SEFA #999-00072 in the NYS Employees Federated Appeal.


Ohio State Combined Charitable Campaign

Our listing is CCC #25010 in the Ohio State Combined Charitable Campaign.


Pennsylvania State Employee Combined Appeal

Our listing is SECA #8000-0032 in the PA State Employee Combined Appeal.


Washington State Employee Combined Fund Drive

We are listed with CFD #0316292 in the WA State Employee Combined Fund Drive.


Wisconsin State & University Employees Combined Giving Campaign

Our listing is SECC #6735 in the WS State & University Employees Combined Giving Campaign.

Corporate Employee Fund Drives

Corporate Employees are asked whether or not they would like to contribute to charities listed by their employer during the time of fundraising. Charities mentioned have to meet the strict criteria of the corporations, otherwise they are denied participation in the annual fundraising campaign.

Since there are too many corporations to mention here, please inquire with your company whether or not you can pledge or donate to Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. If our nonprofit charity is not listed, the employee might have the option to write in Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. as a possible designation. 

Other Ways to Give

Print Pledge FormCheckbook and pen

Donate by Check or Money Order

Make out a check or money order to -
Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. 
Mail it to -

Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc.
P.O. Box 0065
Baldwin, NY 11510-0065

Donate OnlineDonate Online

Donate by Credit Card

Giving online provides a very secure way for you to donate to our ministry. It is very important to protect your personal information (such as name, address, credit card info, etc.). Therefore, Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc., and the bank processing companies that collect the info, use SSL/TLS encryption technology on all pages where sensitive information is submitted.

Employer MatchDonate thru Corporate Match

Donate thru Employer Match

Employer match is a popular employee benefit at major corporations. For instance, if you donate $100, your employer (if it is listed on the GiveDirect form) will match that amount and we will receive it from them. Companies usually match donations at a 1:1 ratio, but some will match at a 2:1, 3:1, or even a 4:1 ratio.

Donate Through DAFDonate Through DAF

Donate Through DAF

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a philanthropic financial vehicle in which donors contribute money to an investment fund managed by a sponsoring organization. Donors can contribute cash and a wide range of non-cash assets, including stocks, shares of mutual funds, publicly-traded securities, private assets, and crypto.

Buying or SellingShopping cart for Donate thru Buying or Selling

Donate thru Buying or Selling

Another way of helping us is to buy something at iGive and they will donate a portion to our organization. Or sell something on eBay and donate part of the proceeds to us.

You can also help by buying our ebooks sold at many of the online bookstores.

Give Now

Donate now by credit card to help us reach those who are in spiritual darkness. God’s Word changes lives!

Prayer Request

Do you have a prayer request? If so and you would like others to pray for you, we encourage you to click below.


We will send you an email whenever we release a new ebook, newsletter, or info about what we are doing. 

Give Now

Donate now by credit card to help us reach those who are in spiritual darkness. God’s Word changes lives!


Prayer Request

Do you have a prayer request? If so and you would like others to pray for you, we encourage you to click below.



We will send you an email whenever we release a new ebook, newsletter, or other information. 

Our Social Media

America’s Best Charities
America’s Best Charities Seal of Approval
CFC (Combined Federal Campaign)
Christian Charites USA
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Copyright © 2023 Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. All rights reserved.

Our Christian prison ministry is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity.